The cover of an April 2009 issue of Newsweek read, "The Decline and Fall of Christian America."
The article inside the magazine by Jon Meacham was entitled, "The End of Christian America."
One thing for certain is that Christianity is under attack. Of course, Jesus told us that since they hated Him, we would also be hated.
My Dad sent me a DVD presentation by Ken Ham entitled State of the Nation. It is a very stirring piece. Ken is the president and CEO of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum in Kentucky. His presentation is filled with so many interesting facts, including some information that should wake people up. One of early points he makes is based on a study by the Barna Group which shows that the church is not retaining its youth. According to the 2000 research by Barna, 61% of young people who attended church in their teens, fell away from church in their twenties.
I join Mr. Beck in noting that we are living in unprecedented times, that will go down in history as one of two things, either the death of America as we have known it, or as the generation that saved America. We have definitely go our work cut out for us. Hey, I believe we have got to save our youth, while we still can. So let's take our country back and make it One Nation Under God again!
In our Sunday Evening Service I reminded the folks that Jesus said that when we see all these things begin to come to pass, we should look up and lift up our eyes, because our redemption draweth nigh.