Good afternoon! This is Dan Hocker, taking my lunch hour to be with you here on The Lion’s Den, here on Renueva Tu Fe Radion 1430AM, Tu Estacion, Diferente! Hey it’s good to be back with you today. Thanks for tuning in. Have I ever had a great week! Of course, I just love this time of year anyway! It’s Christmas! And I want begin by wishing all of you a Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! No, I’m not Jose Feliciano, but I really enjoy his rendition and “I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my Heart!” We’re in the middle of our Christmas Celebrations! Sunday night we had our Christmas play, “The Chronicles of Suburbia.” If you’re not familiar with the play, it’s a kind of parody on C.S. Lewis’s “Chonicles of Narnia.” In this 45 minute play, the children go on an adventure through the wardrobe, but instead of ending up in a fantasy world, the visit another time and place, the Birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. The play has the added interest of an angel named “Diego” to guide the kids to birthplace of the Savior, where they discover the real meaning of Christmas, joining the angels and shepherds to worship the newborn King.
Have you thought about what a time of hardship it was during that first Christmas? It was a time of great difficulty! For Joseph and Mary there was this costly trip under difficult conditions. How could you have any humbler setting than to give birth to your child in a stable? But there the shepherds came and they worshipped the King! This year Christmas may be difficult for many of you who are listening. With the economic crisis, you may have limited resources, maybe no resources. Maybe you feel like the young drummer boy in this classic Christmas Carol, “I am poor boy and have no gift to bring fit to give a King.” But he plays his drum to worship the King. Here’s an arrangement of “Little Drummer Boy” by 98 Degrees. Merry Christmas!
Little Drummer Boy
You’re listening to the Lion’s Den on Tu Estacion Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM. This is Dan Hocker and we’re back with some hot topics for discussion again today! Hey, you know me. One thing I’m not is racist! And I could join the nation rejoicing in the defeat of racism if I believed that’s what was happening! Instead it looks like the United State may have been taken in the greatest con of the century. There certainly are still a lot of questions!
It looks like legal proceedings have begun against the Governor of Illinois, as well as Impeachment proceedings! Hey, people are wondering, what gives with all of these Obama associates? Do birds of feather flock together? Join the discussion today at 706-279-1430.
Hey, where were the celebrants when President George W. Bush appointed the first Black Woman to be the Secretary of State? Hey what was the problem? She should have been a double blessing! Maybe they just couldn’t celebrate because she wasn’t liberal enough? Maybe she was just too conservative to count! She certainly didn’t come to her office with truckload of baggage. No entourage of shady associates here! Hey, can somebody tell us what’s going on in America?
A few weeks ago I introduced you to a New York based author and journalist Joan Swirsky, and today I want to share some from an article she wrote this week for the Philadelphis Bulletin.
In Virgil's epic poem, the Aeneid, the story is told of Odysseus's plot to conquer Troy, thus ending 10 years of defeat for the Greeks. The Greeks' plan was to trick the citizens of Troy (the Trojans) into believing that the giant wooden horse they had constructed was a gift from the goddess Athena. They left their "gift" outside the city and withdrew their troops and ships, the better to convince the Trojans of their benevolent intentions.
At first, wary and suspicious, the Trojans came out from behind their walls to inspect the enormous horse. Once outside, they met a man named Sinon, who gained their trust by telling them that he had escaped from the murderous Greek regime He was so credible that when he suggested to the Trojans that they bring the wooden horse inside the city, they did. But unbeknown to the trusting Trojans, Sinon was a secret agent of the Greeks.
Once inside the city, the Greek warriors, under cover of darkness, emerged from hiding inside the horse and quickly opened the gates of Troy to allow the rest of the Greek armies to invade the city, whereupon they promptly slaughtered the Trojan men, enslaved the women and children, and completely destroyed the city of Troy.
The colossal ruse of the Trojan Horse - which resulted in the downfall of the great and mighty city of Troy - is similar to the ruse that increasing numbers of Americans believe Barack Obama has effected with his election to the presidency, specifically that the "warriors" of his campaign - including his longtime radical associates, a leftist media and a now-silenced conservative media, as well as far-left organizations like ACORN, et al. - have fooled a largely gullible electorate into believing that the man who offered "hope" and "change" meant something quite different than they were led to believe.
Contrast Virgil's poem to what is happening today. In the liberals' epic scheme, the story is about conquering Republicans, thus ending almost 10 years of electoral defeat.
The liberals' plan was to trick the citizens of the United States into believing their moderate-toned, multi-racial candidate was a gift to America, a way to expiate their collective guilt over racial discrimination and "heal the wounds" that, in their view, our big bad country was guilty of inflicting. They and their media lapdogs presented this "gift" with grandiose language and warm-and-fuzzy images, the better to convince the electorate of his benevolent intentions.
At first wary, Americans ultimately bought the media hype. Once they took a closer look, however, they were introduced to many Sinons - Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Rashid Khalidi, Louis Farrakhan, et al. But the "gift" assured them that he was being victimized by these people, and so the American people bought the "victim" thing and rewarded him with the nomination to be president.
Once Mr. Obama became the putative president-elect, his minions emerged not under cover of darkness but in broad daylight, expressing their full intentions to follow his lead in converting America into their dreamed-of Socialist paradise, complete with nationalized banks, health care, the auto industry, etc.; the reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, which would effectively annihilate all dissenting opinions; the institution of a domestic police force that has eerie echoes to the repressive goon squads of the Soviet Empire and other Communist and Socialist regimes; bringing about the massive redistribution of wealth, and spitting in the face of our most precious founding document, the U.S. Constitution.
Wow! Does Joan ever raise some strong questions? Does it make you wonder what’s going on? Where are we headed as a nation? Want to share your opinion? Call us at 706-279-1430, or email us at Do you wonder what has happened? Have we lost our sense of direction as a nation? Or as the church are we being the salt and light, God has called us to be? Where is our impact on the nation? I believe Phillips, Craig, and Dean sing about the answer in their song “Restoration” when they say, let’s “show the world we mean what we say.” What we really need is Restoration!
You’re listening to the Lion’s Den on Renueva Tu Fe Radio Tu Estacion, Diferente! This is Dan Hocker and I’ve been sharing from an article by Joan Swirsky. If you’re interested in more from Joan you can check out her website at or you can read this article in its entirety at the United States Justice Foundation website. If you want to share your opinion, you can call us here at 706-279-1430. Now back to Joan’s comments. She writes:
Mr. Obama's hope, it is now apparent, is for a "globalist" America. And his change, it is now apparent, is the polar opposite of free-market capitalism, a free press, freedoms of religion, assembly, etc., any semblance of respect for the United States Constitution, and, who knows, a resurrection of his revolutionary Marxist black liberation theology to replace the Judeo-Christian tenets upon which our country was founded.
"The most noticeable characteristic of Obama," says Dr. Kate, in a chilling article entitled The Trojan Candidate, "is his profound lack of respect for America as shown with his behavior on the flag pin; the failure to observe decorum regarding the national anthem; the fake presidential seal; the printed announcement of his speech in Germany; the upside down flag on the tickets and behind Joe Biden at the convention; his airplane with a painted-over American flag; and his detached and callous appearance at Ground Zero. By this behavior, Mr. Obama is mocking America, cheapening its decorum and symbols."
Dr. Kate reminds her readers that it was one of Mr. Obama's role models, Saul Alinsky, who wrote "Rules for Radicals" and who believed that change "meant a Marxist revolution achieved by slow, incremental, Machiavellian means that turned society inside out. This had to be done through systematic deception, winning the trust of the naively idealistic middle class by using the language of morality to conceal an agenda designed to destroy it."
She further asks why Mr. Obama's close friend, the unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers, would quote the following poem in his blog just two months before the election:
"The end of an empire is messy at best.
And this empire is ending
Like all the rest
Like the Spanish Armada adrift on the sea,
we're adrift in the land of the brave.
And the home of the free.
Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye."
"Do you think he knows something, or hopes for something that we don't?" she asks. "Obama is not who he says he is ... I also wonder about his Manchurian Candidate characteristics. What is inside this Trojan Horse? Who is he a front for?"
Do these things make you nervous? Hello? Where oh where is the national media? Where have they gone? Are they so enamored with making history that they are oblivious to these issues? Who is speaking up for the people now? We are facing the gravest of crisis as a nation and more than ever we need the Savior! Only He can save! Only He can heal! Here’s Mac Powell, with Brian Littrell, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Mark Hall singing “By His Wounds”
By His Wounds
Where Things Stand Now
As I've written in five articles, the most crucial issue is the fact that Mr. Obama's eligibility to be president is being seriously challenged by about 20 lawsuits, many of them waged by Democrats and Independents. Several of these suits have now reached the U.S. Supreme Court. They all claim that Mr. Obama does not meet one of the three criteria that the U.S. Constitution requires of anyone who runs for the presidency of the United States of America. That criterion is that he or she be a "natural-born citizen" of the United States.
December 1, writes attorney Thomas J. Latino, was "the deadline for the Obama legal team to file their response to the Berg Petition for a Writ of Certiorari. There was nothing. Mr. Obama has done what hasn't been done before...he] has blatantly ignored a request from the Supreme Court of the United States - our highest and most revered legal institution. Mr. Obama, quite frankly, has thumbed his nose at the highest court in our land."
On Dec. 5, Leo Donofrio, a plaintiff in Donofrio v. Wells, is scheduled to have his case heard by the nine Justices of the Supreme Court, who have agreed to hold a "Rule of Four" Conference. This means If four of the nine Justices agree that Mr. Donofrio's case has merit, there is the potential for the Justices to issue a "stay" of the Electoral College vote on Dec. 15, which would prevent the Electoral College members from casting their votes until this explosive issue has been resolved.
Conspiracy Theories
In one of my articles, I noted that it was not unexpected that the liberal media - who have been shilling for Mr. Obama for over two years - have covered up his shady, anti-American and anti-Semitic associations, his über-far-left voting record, and his questionable eligibility to be president. But it amazed me that conservative media hosts, who pride themselves on independence and probing inquiries, have been totally mute in covering this issue. Here is what I wrote:
I speculated that President George W. Bush might have received highly credible evidence from our enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons - set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities - unless he had his functionaries direct all media outlets to steer clear of the birth certificate issue or face Draconian consequences.
In literally hundreds of e-mails I received, the following were other theories I found intriguing:
* One said to "follow the money," that conservative media honchos had been threatened with massive boycotts from the ACORN crowd to go after their advertisers. Money talks!
* A graphic designer suggested that George Soros dipped into his billions and "treated" major media people to a cool $5 million each.
* Another person suggested that the birth certificate "crisis" was a deliberate act on Obama's part to change the U.S. Constitution, the better to enable foreign leadership to someday take charge of America and allow the Globalists to run our county and establish their New World Order.
* Writer Michael Bresciani even suggested that the media's "fear of embarrassment" may be at play. "He won a landslide ... the idea is that winning is more important than keeping the rules ... The next time a whistle blows on the field in a NFL game, won't the whole game stop in its tracks and wait for the announcement of the referee? Isn't [the Obama constitutional question] a far more grave matter than a flag going down in a football game?"
* Someone else suggested that the Democrats were holding the "Fairness Doctrine" gun to the heads of major radio station owners, striking a deal in which the doctrine would not be revived if they collectively cooperated in avoiding the birth certificate story.
But the most compelling "conspiracy theory" came from a woman in California, who wrote:
"I don't think it's about pay-offs to this or that power-that be that accounts for the media blackout. This could never explain the article in the Wall Street Journal by the staunchly dependable conservative James Taranto, who scoffed at the birth certificate issue. Or why Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Ingraham and all the others, including Hugh Hewitt, have avoided this issue. Or why conservative radio icons Al Rantel and Tammy Bruce have so quickly done an about-face, even screeching and threatening their call-in audience never to mention the birth-certificate issue. In fact Bruce seemed to experience a personality alteration by declaring loudly and angrily that if any bloggers on her site posted any material whatsoever that alluded to Obama's birth certificate, they would be permanently banned from
"To me, it's reminiscent of the 'German thing' - where ordinary, proud, conservative, responsible Germans suddenly realized that their livelihoods and perhaps their lives depended upon supporting a powerful 'new order.' It was none other than Josef Goebbels who said that the way to take over a country by a relatively minute cabal of fascists was to gain control of two entities: the media and the armed forces. That's why we heard Obama promise to establish a national police force that was just as strong and well- funded and powerful as the U.S. military. He and his cabal know that they can't turn the U.S. military, so they're going to try to set up their own Gestapo.
"I suspect," she continued, "that a memo went out en masse to the media from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) not to mention the birth certificate subject under penalty of losing their licenses to broadcast. Now we have practically a national shutdown of the media, and the only entity that would have had the power to bring this about is the FCC - and not a Saudi who owns 6 percent of Fox News! For the entire airwaves, in unison, to suddenly take the position that Mr. Obama's birth certificate is out of bounds means that they've been ordered not to discuss it.
"Think about it ... every single one of the major radio hosts rebuked callers at the same time - and on the same day in most cases! My guess is that big guns from ACORN and also from the Nation of Islam have gotten to the F.C.C. and have told them in no uncertain terms that if Mr. Obama is blocked from becoming POTUS, there will be hell to pay all over America. And obviously these threats were deemed credible enough by those making the decisions at the FCC that they have succeeded. This is nothing less than a political coup d'état! Unless, that is, the Justices of the Supreme Court and the Electors of the Electoral College still take seriously their oaths to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution."
Interesting, I must add, that while the American media have for the most part blacked-out this explosive story, none-other than Pravda has been covering it!
Conspiracies? Well I don’t know about all of these, but I am certain about one conspiracy. It began in eternity past when an angel named Lucifer led an uprising in heaven. That one failed. He was cast out of heaven, and here on earth he continues to conspire against God all that are his. Yes, there is a conspiracy against this one nation under God, but we know what happens in the end. The Jesus we celebrate during this Christmas season will one day rule the entire earth for a thousand years! Let me encourage you today to put all your trust in Him, He alone is our source of strength and hope.
In Christ Alone
What Lies Ahead
According to legal scholar Dr. Edwin Vieira Jr., "America is facing potentially the gravest constitutional crisis in her history. Barack Obama must either stand up in a public forum and prove, with conclusive documentary evidence, that he is `a natural born Citizen' of the United States who has not renounced his American citizenship - or he must step down as the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States - preferably before the election is held, and in any event before the Electoral College meets....the burden of proof rests squarely on his shoulders."
Mr. Vieira further explains:
* If Mr. Obama fails to prove his citizenship but the voters, the electors, or the members of the House purport to "elect" him, Dr. Vieira says, "he will be nothing but a usurper, because the Constitution defines him as such. And he can never become anything else, because a usurper cannot gain legitimacy if even all of the country aid, abets, accedes to, or acquiesces in his usurpation."
* If Mr. Obama takes the presidential oath, knowing that he is not a natural-born citizen, "he will commit the crime of perjury or false swearing. So, even if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court himself looks the other way and administers the oath, Obama will derive no authority whatsoever from it."
* If the oath is perjured, "Obama's every subsequent act in the usurped Office of President will be a criminal offense ..."
* If he is indeed a usurper, "Obama will not constitutionally be the commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States ... therefore, he will be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from anyone in those forces."
* If he is indeed a usurper, "Obama will have no conceivable authority to make Treaties, or to nominate, and appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States ..."
* "Congress can pass no law while a usurper pretends to occupy the Office of President. Thus, if Mr. Obama deceitfully enters office as an usurper, Congress will be rendered effectively impotent for as long as it acquiesces in his pretenses as 'president.'"
* "If Obama does become a usurper posturing as the president, Congress cannot even impeach him because not being the actual President he cannot be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors ... In that case, some other public officials would have to arrest him - with physical force, if he would not go along quietly - in order to prevent him from continuing his imposture."
* "If the Establishment allowed Obama to pretend to be the president and the people acquiesced in that charade, just about everything that was done during his faux tenure in office by anyone connected with the Executive Branch of the general government, and quite a bit done by the Legislative Branch and perhaps the Judicial Branch as well, would be arguably illegitimate and subject to being overturned when a constitutional president was finally installed in office."
Mr. Vieira ends by stating: "If he continues to dodge the issue, Obama will be dogged with this question every day of his purported 'presidency.' And inevitably the truth will out...for the issue is too simple, the evidence (or lack of it) too accessible. Either Obama can prove that he is a natural born Citizen who has not renounced his citizenship; or he cannot. If Obama knows that he is not a natural- born citizen ... then he also knows that he and his henchmen have perpetrated numerous election-related frauds throughout the country - the latest, still-ongoing one a colossal swindle targeting the American people as a whole."
It is clear that Mr. Vieira is not alone in his thinking. Gary Kreep, chief counsel for two California Electors and for Alan Keyes in a lawsuit that challenges Mr. Obama's eligibility, and chief of the United States Justice Foundation, has said that he intends to challenge Mr. Obama continuously on the citizenship issue well past inauguration on "every order, every proposal, every piece of paperwork" that Obama produces.
"We will file lawsuits on his actions, every time," Mr. Kreep told WorldNetDaily."Should Sen. Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void, petitioners, as well as other Americans, will suffer irreparable harm in that a) usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and b) none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal."
WND also interviewed Judge Roy Moore, the former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, who echoed the concerns of millions when he said: "We can survive four years of any president; we cannot survive without a Constitution. This calls for a major investigation. Our Constitution is at stake."
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Praise Him in the Storm
Hello again, and welcome back to the Lion’s Den, here on Reunueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. This is Dan Hocker, your host for these 60 minutes. How are you? Me? Well, I am still Super Blessed! Busy, yes, but abundantly blessed! Who isn’t busy during the Christmas Season? There’s an old song that says my cup runneth over, and that certainly describes life right now! Sunday, after church, I played Santa Clause with my some of granddaughters. Yes, I know, somebody’s bound to think I’m a little crazy, and maybe I am, but I put on my red suit, complete with a big pillow to fill out the belly, black boots and belt, with white beard and Santa hat! Hey, I love Christmas! Then, on Monday night, I did a little shopping ‘til MIDNIGHT with my wife. Hey, everybody knows you can shop late at Walmart, and it’s not nearly so crowded. Last night there was play practice for our upcoming Christmas play, “Christmas in Suburbia,” which by the way we will be performing at Christian Fellowship, Sunday evening December the 14th at the church. The best part about play practice is that my wife and I get to baby sit, with one of the granddaughters while the others practice. Did I tell you that I love Christmas? Well, I certainly do and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, as we share one the seasons loveliest carols, O, Holy Night.
This is Dan Hocker, and your are listening to Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM, Diferente! It’s a beautiful but busy time of year! Besides today’s program, we have our midweek service tonight where we are continuing a series of videos by Dr. Kent Hovind. The session tonight will continue, “Lies in the Textbooks.” Tomorrow, I get to go back to my remodeling project. Well, whoa! Nellly! We need to slow down, and remember what Christmas is all about! We are celebrating Jesus Christ! I love it! The whole world is celebrating our Savior! Some don’t like it though! What amazes me is they way people fight against Christmas! Did you know that a Christmas Tree is now a religious symbol? And how about this one, a school board recently met to discuss whether or not “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was appropriate for the children because it had clear referenced to a Christian holiday! What’s wrong with people? I’ve got news for you. The United States of America, at least for the time being, is still “one nation under God,” and our money still reads, “in God we trust!” In case you don’t know your American History, the God our founding Fathers were speaking about was the Christian God. They weren’t confused at all and understood perfectly well what they meant! By the way, however politically incorrect it may be, we still say, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Well how about some hot discussion topics for today? Did you know that I am way too political? I discovered this again at a recent ministers meeting where I was informed that the biggest obstacle to unity among churches was politics. Well, I am sure you can imagine that I was more than ready to respond to that! Hey, it depends on who is defining “politics.” There are those who want pastors and churches to limit their involvement so much that they no longer speak to the issues at all! If they can silence the church, then the silence the conscience and shut down the moral compass of the nation! When we faithfully speak to the issues, then we of necessity must address where people stand on these issues, and educate our people. For some time now, the political realm has invaded the moral realm, where we have a moral obligation not only to speak out but to give godly guidance and direction to the people.
Remember your comments are always welcome here on the Lions Den. You can join the discussion by calling 706-279-1430. We live, right now and looking forward to your call! 706-279-1430!
Did you hear the news yesterday about the arrest of the Governor of Illinois? Just minutes before 6 a.m. Tuesday morning, a pair of black sedans and an SUV raced up Richmond Street toward the personal residence of Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Sunnyside Avenue on Chicago's Northwest Side. About the same time, the phone inside Blagojevich's home began to ring. On the other end was Robert Grant, the FBI's special agent in charge in Chicago. Two agents were outside Blagojevich's front door with a warrant for his arrest, he announced to the governor. "Well, I woke him up," Grant recalled later Tuesday at a news conference to announce charges of fraud and bribery against Blagojevich. "The first thing [Blagojevich said] was, 'Was this a joke?'."
Grant asked the governor to quietly open the door "without the media finding out about it, without waking the children," he said. "He was very cooperative, and that's it."
What did Obama know ... and when did he know it?
Unanswered questions alarm anti-corruption investigators
The corruption arrest of Gov. Rod Blagojevich is raising questions about what Sen. Barack Obama knew of the Illinois Democrat's alleged activities, including his apparent offer to appoint Obama's preferred candidate to serve in the U.S. Senate in return for "private sector" help from Obama.
"This is a burgeoning crisis for Obama that should shake his presidency to its core," said Tom Fitton, chief of the Judicial Watch organization today.
"The criminal complaint filed today indicates that Obama and his team knew about Blagojevich's efforts to sell Obama's Senate seat," he said.
"Did Obama report Blagojevich to investigators about any efforts to sell his Senate seat?" Fitton asked.
Hey, I would love to hear you opinion, either live on the air at 706-279-1430, or on at my email address or on my blog site which you can access via the Renueva Tu Fe Radio website at
ABC's Jake Tapper also expressed concern over the same issue. On his blog, he wrote that while appearances seem to indicate Obama "refused to go along with the 'pay to play'" Blagojevich plan, there were significant questions.
For example, he wondered "how Blagojevich knew that Mr. Obama was not willing to give him anything in exchange for the Senate seat – with whom was Blagojevich speaking? Did that person report the governor to the authorities?"
Judicial Watch said it has been investigating Blagojevich for more than two years and has an ongoing open records litigation concerning "the sale of government jobs for which he was arrested today."
Does it make you wonder what an Obama White House will mean for the nation?
Hey I want to remind you that where sin abounds grace abounds even more! His Grace is sufficient for us in these tumultuous times. Here’s one of my favorite groups, Phillips, Craig, and Dean, singing, A Place Called Grace.
This is Dan Hocker and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radion 1430AM, Diferente!
"Blagojevich has stonewalled and refused to turn over documents to Judicial Watch that could have alerted the American people to his corruption," Fitton said.
"There has been an air of lawlessness around Gov. Blagojevich for some time and Judicial Watch applauds U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald for his actions," Fitton said. "Blagojevich's corruption is no surprise, but its breadth and depravity is shocking. The alleged efforts to sell the Senate seat of Barack Obama are outrageous, but also seem to implicate many other powerful politicians and political players. Especially disturbing are the questions the scandal raises about Barack Obama and his close associates."
The case outlined by prosecutors today targeted Blagojevich and his chief of staff, with prosecutors stating several times their work contained no allegations against Obama.
The case did, however, mention Tony Rezko, a longtime Obama friend, fundraiser and real estate partner, Judicial Watch noted.
Obama told reporters, "I had no contact with the governor or his office, so I was not aware of what was happening," clearly distancing himself from his home state and its governor, whom he previously had endorsed for re-election.
"I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the U.S. attorney's office today. But as this is an ongoing investigation involving the governor I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment at this time," he said.
But Tapper noted Obama's senior adviser, David Axelrod, appeared "said something quite different" in an interview Nov. 23 with Chicago's Fox affiliate.
"While insisting that the president-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a 'kingmaker,'" Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."
Campaign officials today said Axelrod mispoke but offered no further information.
Prosecutors alleged Blagojevich repeatedly tried to negotiate personal benefits for his official duties, including the provision in Illinois that he as governor would appoint a successor for Obama's now-vacated U.S. Senate seat.
The complaint alleged the governor sought information on what he could get from Obama in return for appointing Obama's selection to the post.
According to recordings made during the investigation, Blagojevich said, "Can [Obama] help in the private sector … where it wouldn't be tied to him? … I mean, so it wouldn't necessarily look like one for the other?"
Prosecutors said the governor was given a negative response about getting something in return and then called Obama an obscenity.
Blagojevich called the Senate appointment responsibility "golden."
"Unless I get something real good … I'll just send myself," he said at one point.
Tapper also cited the previous links between Obama and Blagojevich: Obama endorsed Blagojevich in 2002 and 2006 and served as his adviser during 2002.
Blagojevich returned the endorsement of Obama in 2004
It may seem like there’s corruption everywhere! You may wonder what’s going on with this nation of ours, but we can be certain that Jesus Christ still reigns! He is faithful through it all! Jeremy Camp makes that bold declaration of faith in this song, I Still Believe.
This is Dan Hocker and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. I hope your faith is still in tact today! In times like these I want to encourage you to be strong and of good courage, and the Lord will strengthen your heart! Keep the Faith!
We’ve been discussing the the news about the arrest of Governor Blagojevich of Illinois yesterday morning and it’s implications for the Obama Presidency! Hey you are welcome to join the discussion by calling in at 706-279-1430.
Last week were discussing the questions about Obama’s eligibility to be president because of questions surrounding his citizenship status! Hey that story isn’t over yet! The Supreme Court rejected the first of some 20 cases. That’s right the refused to hear the first of these 20 cases, but they are lined up, and who knows? It’s probably not a question of if it will be addressed but when? Don’t you think it makes sense to settle this before the vote of the Electorate on December 15th?
Now that the Supreme Court has taken a pass on the issue, the action filed by USJF is our best hope when it comes to compelling President-elect Obama to respect the Constitution and provide the American people viable substantiation that is is Constitutionally qualified to be President of the United States.
Some of what you are about to hear may shock you. Some of what you hear may cause you to tremble.
In fact...
this may be the one of the most important things in your life!
The sad and unfortunate truth is that your life... the liberties and freedoms we all sometimes take for granted... your future and the future of your children and grandchild actually hinges on what actions you choose to take after reading this letter.
What would happen if you woke up one morning and found out that the President of the United States was a USURPER... a FRAUD... a PHONY?
Think about that question for a while before you answer.
Mull it over.
What would happen if the leader of the free world was Constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United Stated but - in direct and undisputable violation of the letter of the Constitution - decided to take and hold office anyway?
What would happen if a politician actually got away with such a thing?
Do you believe ANY of our God-given rights would remain secure?
Would any bill this Usurper signed into law be valid?
Would this Usurper's Supreme Court appointments be valid?
Would the military recognize this Usurper as Commander-in-Chief and what actions would those within our military take?
What would our enemies around the world do?
What would happen to the economy... your job... your home... your assets or what you've put away for retirement?
Would our society destabilize uncontrollably and would we actually start down the road to anarchy?
For more on this check out their website at .
And Stay tuned in to the Lions Den each Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-2: 00 here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. Remember that you can also comment on my blog, or email us at or . Hey, You can now access the Lion’s Den Blog via our Renueva Tu Fe website at
As we close today, I tell you, that I don’t know what tomorrow holds for us. I don’t know how all these things will pan out with regard to the issues facing our nation, but I know Who is in charge! I know that we have no reason to fear! Like the rain and the storm last night, there may be a national crisis raging, and you may be experiencing a personal crisis, but Casting Crowns reminds us that we can Praise Him in the Storm.
Praise You in This Strom – Casting Crowns
Thanks for joining us again on The Lion’s Den. Blessings!
This is Dan Hocker, and your are listening to Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM, Diferente! It’s a beautiful but busy time of year! Besides today’s program, we have our midweek service tonight where we are continuing a series of videos by Dr. Kent Hovind. The session tonight will continue, “Lies in the Textbooks.” Tomorrow, I get to go back to my remodeling project. Well, whoa! Nellly! We need to slow down, and remember what Christmas is all about! We are celebrating Jesus Christ! I love it! The whole world is celebrating our Savior! Some don’t like it though! What amazes me is they way people fight against Christmas! Did you know that a Christmas Tree is now a religious symbol? And how about this one, a school board recently met to discuss whether or not “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was appropriate for the children because it had clear referenced to a Christian holiday! What’s wrong with people? I’ve got news for you. The United States of America, at least for the time being, is still “one nation under God,” and our money still reads, “in God we trust!” In case you don’t know your American History, the God our founding Fathers were speaking about was the Christian God. They weren’t confused at all and understood perfectly well what they meant! By the way, however politically incorrect it may be, we still say, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Well how about some hot discussion topics for today? Did you know that I am way too political? I discovered this again at a recent ministers meeting where I was informed that the biggest obstacle to unity among churches was politics. Well, I am sure you can imagine that I was more than ready to respond to that! Hey, it depends on who is defining “politics.” There are those who want pastors and churches to limit their involvement so much that they no longer speak to the issues at all! If they can silence the church, then the silence the conscience and shut down the moral compass of the nation! When we faithfully speak to the issues, then we of necessity must address where people stand on these issues, and educate our people. For some time now, the political realm has invaded the moral realm, where we have a moral obligation not only to speak out but to give godly guidance and direction to the people.
Remember your comments are always welcome here on the Lions Den. You can join the discussion by calling 706-279-1430. We live, right now and looking forward to your call! 706-279-1430!
Did you hear the news yesterday about the arrest of the Governor of Illinois? Just minutes before 6 a.m. Tuesday morning, a pair of black sedans and an SUV raced up Richmond Street toward the personal residence of Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Sunnyside Avenue on Chicago's Northwest Side. About the same time, the phone inside Blagojevich's home began to ring. On the other end was Robert Grant, the FBI's special agent in charge in Chicago. Two agents were outside Blagojevich's front door with a warrant for his arrest, he announced to the governor. "Well, I woke him up," Grant recalled later Tuesday at a news conference to announce charges of fraud and bribery against Blagojevich. "The first thing [Blagojevich said] was, 'Was this a joke?'."
Grant asked the governor to quietly open the door "without the media finding out about it, without waking the children," he said. "He was very cooperative, and that's it."
What did Obama know ... and when did he know it?
Unanswered questions alarm anti-corruption investigators
The corruption arrest of Gov. Rod Blagojevich is raising questions about what Sen. Barack Obama knew of the Illinois Democrat's alleged activities, including his apparent offer to appoint Obama's preferred candidate to serve in the U.S. Senate in return for "private sector" help from Obama.
"This is a burgeoning crisis for Obama that should shake his presidency to its core," said Tom Fitton, chief of the Judicial Watch organization today.
"The criminal complaint filed today indicates that Obama and his team knew about Blagojevich's efforts to sell Obama's Senate seat," he said.
"Did Obama report Blagojevich to investigators about any efforts to sell his Senate seat?" Fitton asked.
Hey, I would love to hear you opinion, either live on the air at 706-279-1430, or on at my email address or on my blog site which you can access via the Renueva Tu Fe Radio website at
ABC's Jake Tapper also expressed concern over the same issue. On his blog, he wrote that while appearances seem to indicate Obama "refused to go along with the 'pay to play'" Blagojevich plan, there were significant questions.
For example, he wondered "how Blagojevich knew that Mr. Obama was not willing to give him anything in exchange for the Senate seat – with whom was Blagojevich speaking? Did that person report the governor to the authorities?"
Judicial Watch said it has been investigating Blagojevich for more than two years and has an ongoing open records litigation concerning "the sale of government jobs for which he was arrested today."
Does it make you wonder what an Obama White House will mean for the nation?
Hey I want to remind you that where sin abounds grace abounds even more! His Grace is sufficient for us in these tumultuous times. Here’s one of my favorite groups, Phillips, Craig, and Dean, singing, A Place Called Grace.
This is Dan Hocker and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radion 1430AM, Diferente!
"Blagojevich has stonewalled and refused to turn over documents to Judicial Watch that could have alerted the American people to his corruption," Fitton said.
"There has been an air of lawlessness around Gov. Blagojevich for some time and Judicial Watch applauds U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald for his actions," Fitton said. "Blagojevich's corruption is no surprise, but its breadth and depravity is shocking. The alleged efforts to sell the Senate seat of Barack Obama are outrageous, but also seem to implicate many other powerful politicians and political players. Especially disturbing are the questions the scandal raises about Barack Obama and his close associates."
The case outlined by prosecutors today targeted Blagojevich and his chief of staff, with prosecutors stating several times their work contained no allegations against Obama.
The case did, however, mention Tony Rezko, a longtime Obama friend, fundraiser and real estate partner, Judicial Watch noted.
Obama told reporters, "I had no contact with the governor or his office, so I was not aware of what was happening," clearly distancing himself from his home state and its governor, whom he previously had endorsed for re-election.
"I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the U.S. attorney's office today. But as this is an ongoing investigation involving the governor I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment at this time," he said.
But Tapper noted Obama's senior adviser, David Axelrod, appeared "said something quite different" in an interview Nov. 23 with Chicago's Fox affiliate.
"While insisting that the president-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a 'kingmaker,'" Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."
Campaign officials today said Axelrod mispoke but offered no further information.
Prosecutors alleged Blagojevich repeatedly tried to negotiate personal benefits for his official duties, including the provision in Illinois that he as governor would appoint a successor for Obama's now-vacated U.S. Senate seat.
The complaint alleged the governor sought information on what he could get from Obama in return for appointing Obama's selection to the post.
According to recordings made during the investigation, Blagojevich said, "Can [Obama] help in the private sector … where it wouldn't be tied to him? … I mean, so it wouldn't necessarily look like one for the other?"
Prosecutors said the governor was given a negative response about getting something in return and then called Obama an obscenity.
Blagojevich called the Senate appointment responsibility "golden."
"Unless I get something real good … I'll just send myself," he said at one point.
Tapper also cited the previous links between Obama and Blagojevich: Obama endorsed Blagojevich in 2002 and 2006 and served as his adviser during 2002.
Blagojevich returned the endorsement of Obama in 2004
It may seem like there’s corruption everywhere! You may wonder what’s going on with this nation of ours, but we can be certain that Jesus Christ still reigns! He is faithful through it all! Jeremy Camp makes that bold declaration of faith in this song, I Still Believe.
This is Dan Hocker and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. I hope your faith is still in tact today! In times like these I want to encourage you to be strong and of good courage, and the Lord will strengthen your heart! Keep the Faith!
We’ve been discussing the the news about the arrest of Governor Blagojevich of Illinois yesterday morning and it’s implications for the Obama Presidency! Hey you are welcome to join the discussion by calling in at 706-279-1430.
Last week were discussing the questions about Obama’s eligibility to be president because of questions surrounding his citizenship status! Hey that story isn’t over yet! The Supreme Court rejected the first of some 20 cases. That’s right the refused to hear the first of these 20 cases, but they are lined up, and who knows? It’s probably not a question of if it will be addressed but when? Don’t you think it makes sense to settle this before the vote of the Electorate on December 15th?
Now that the Supreme Court has taken a pass on the issue, the action filed by USJF is our best hope when it comes to compelling President-elect Obama to respect the Constitution and provide the American people viable substantiation that is is Constitutionally qualified to be President of the United States.
Some of what you are about to hear may shock you. Some of what you hear may cause you to tremble.
In fact...
this may be the one of the most important things in your life!
The sad and unfortunate truth is that your life... the liberties and freedoms we all sometimes take for granted... your future and the future of your children and grandchild actually hinges on what actions you choose to take after reading this letter.
What would happen if you woke up one morning and found out that the President of the United States was a USURPER... a FRAUD... a PHONY?
Think about that question for a while before you answer.
Mull it over.
What would happen if the leader of the free world was Constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United Stated but - in direct and undisputable violation of the letter of the Constitution - decided to take and hold office anyway?
What would happen if a politician actually got away with such a thing?
Do you believe ANY of our God-given rights would remain secure?
Would any bill this Usurper signed into law be valid?
Would this Usurper's Supreme Court appointments be valid?
Would the military recognize this Usurper as Commander-in-Chief and what actions would those within our military take?
What would our enemies around the world do?
What would happen to the economy... your job... your home... your assets or what you've put away for retirement?
Would our society destabilize uncontrollably and would we actually start down the road to anarchy?
For more on this check out their website at .
And Stay tuned in to the Lions Den each Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-2: 00 here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. Remember that you can also comment on my blog, or email us at or . Hey, You can now access the Lion’s Den Blog via our Renueva Tu Fe website at
As we close today, I tell you, that I don’t know what tomorrow holds for us. I don’t know how all these things will pan out with regard to the issues facing our nation, but I know Who is in charge! I know that we have no reason to fear! Like the rain and the storm last night, there may be a national crisis raging, and you may be experiencing a personal crisis, but Casting Crowns reminds us that we can Praise Him in the Storm.
Praise You in This Strom – Casting Crowns
Thanks for joining us again on The Lion’s Den. Blessings!
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's Official We're in a Recession!
Good afternoon, this is Dan Hocker, and welcome back to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. Hey, it is so good to be here! Go ahead ask me how I am. If you have to ask in Spanish, it’s, “Como estas?” I’m glad you asked! I couldn’t be better, and it has nothing to do with yesterday’s “official announcement.” You did hear that now, the United States is “officially in RECESSION!” DUH! Talk about yesterday’s news! Depending on your perspective that Recession just may be a Depression! Back to my personal definitions, A Recession is when there is an economic crisis that involves somebody else’s job or livelihood! It a DEPRESSION when it’s your job! So why make this “official” announcement? It’s like having big ugly wart on the end of your nose. You know it’s there. You can’t miss it, and then someone gets up on Sunday morning and makes a public announcement, “Folks, I want to make this “official announcement,” Dan Hocker has a big ugly wart on the end of his nose! Somebody please tell me, what good it accomplishes? In the case of the ugly wart, this person now has way too much attention called to the ugliness! They probably won’t be back to church until the wart is removed and the wound is healed from the removal, if they ever come back at all. Oh, and the result of this brilliant announcement about the “official recession?” was that the Stock Market fell again!
Well in spite of all this wonderful news, I couldn’t be better. We had a better month in November at Bates Furniture Company, where I work, not a great month, but better than October. At Bates Furniture we are trying to help the folks this year during the Christmas Crunch! That’s not a new cereal either. I’m talking about the pressure folks are feeling from the economic crisis we are in. We have some GREAT sales going on right now! We have three living room suites on the floor right now for under $800.00 and package deals including Sofa, Loveseat, Tables, and lamps, starting at just $1300.00! We have specials all over the store. It’s also a great time to take advantage of our 90 day interest free plan! With Income tax returns just around the corner, you can get your furniture today, with a minimum payment plan, and pay off the balance with your income tax return in March, INTEREST FREE! Hey, why not stop in to Bates Furniture during the Christmas Season, where we still say, Merry Christmas!
Well, we’ve put up our Christmas Tree, and strung the lights. And to help put you in get in the Christmas Spirit, here’s an upbeat arrangement of a traditional Christmas Carole, Joy to the World, sung by Whitney Houston and the Georgia Mass Choir.
I hope you remembered to Vote in the runoff election yesterday. It was a big day here in Georgia. The eyes of the nation were watching the Peach State as we returned to the polls in the runoff for the Senate seat of Saxby Chambliss. Do you know why this was such an important race? If the Democrats could have defeated Chambliss they woud have possibly had a filibuster proof Senate. It takes 60 votes to stop a filibuster. With the Chambliss victory they will have only 58 of the 60 votes they wanted. That means they will have to to work with Republicans to stop a filibuster.
In the Judicial race for the Georgia Court of Appeals, Mike Sheffield, who had the endorsement of Georgia Right to Life, lost to Sara Doyle. This was a blow to conservative values.
The other two races on the Whitfield County ballot were for the Public Service Commisioner and a local race for the Magistrate Court between attorney Sam Little and former Sherif’s Deputy, Chris Griffin. The incumbent Republican kept his seat on the Public Service Commision, and Chris Griffin won a seat on the Magistrate Court.
What’s more important than all of this news is the Good News! God is doing some great things right now, right here in Whitfield County, Georgia! This past Sunday was just awesome! Young people, I mean teenagers to young adults, are responding spontaneously to the Holy Spirit during the Praise and Worship Service at Christian Fellowship! This past Sunday Amber reported that God had answered prayer, healing a broken family relationship! Two young adults were filled with the Holy Spirit, like on the Day of Pentecost! And two others received Christ as Lord and Savior! It’s Wednesday and I’m still walking on air! If you don’t have a church home, then why not come and visit with us at Christian Fellowship one block off Hwy 41 on 201 at the corner of Church and Cemetery Street. Come and experience the Revival God is giving us right now!
Hey whatever it is you need today, Here’s a song by Darlene Zschech, All the Power You Need, from the Integrity Music Album, Shout to the Lord.
This is Dan Hocker, and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM Tu Estacion, Diferente! That was Darlene Zschech, singing All the Power You Need.
Last week on the Lion’s Den we were talking about the Major Media Blackout about Obamagate! Haven’t heard the expression? Well I’m not surprised, and you shouldn’t be either, but 124,000 folks have sent emails and letters to congress asking them to take action! In case you missed last week, or are just tuning in, Obamagate refers to the five cases that have reached the Supreme Court already, challenging Barak Obama’s eligibility to serve as President based on the Constitutional Requirement that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States. There are some serious questions about his eligibility that he has not answered, including the fact that neither he nor the DNC have answered the Supreme Court’s request for a response to the Berg Case. Remember that Berg’s case was thrown out of a lower court not because of his evidence but because the Judge in Pennsylvania said he lacked standing. Berg appealed to the Supreme Court, but there he is not alone, with five cases already there, and cases from 15 more states moving toward the Supreme Court! Hey this isn’t just going away. The people want answers. In fact the “We the People Foundation” has placed a full page ad in the Chicago Tribune, and open letter to Barak Obama. Before I read to you let me remind you that you are listening to the Lion’s Den, and you can participate, Call us at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430.
Here’s what they put in the Chicago Tribune, and I believe they also ran it in New York too!
Dear Mr. Obama,
Representing thousands of responsible American citizens who have also taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic, I am duty bound to call on you to remedy an apparent violation of the Constitution.
Compelling evidence supports the claim that you are barred from holding the Office of President by the “natural born citizen” clause of the U.S. Constitution. For instance:
• Your father was a Kenyan citizen at the time of your birth and your mother was 18.
• Legal affidavits state you were born in Kenya.
• Your grandmother is recorded on tape saying she attended your birth in Kenya.
• Hawaii Dept of Health will not confirm your assertion that you were born in Hawaii.
• You have posted an unsigned, computer-generated birth form that was created in 2007, a form that lacks vital information found on an original, hand signed Certificate of Live Birth, such as hospital address, signature of attending physician and age of mother.
• U.S. Law in 1961 denied U.S. citizenship to any child born in Kenya if the father was Kenyan and the mother was not yet 19 years of age.
• In 1965, your mother legally relinquished whatever Kenyan or U.S. citizenship she and you had by marrying an Indonesian and becoming a naturalized Indonesian citizen.
You have repeatedly refused to provide evidence of your eligibility when challenged to do so in a number of recent lawsuits. Instead, you have been successful in having judges declare that they are powerless to order you to prove your eligibility to assume the Office of President.
For instance, the judge in Pennsylvania ruled the challenger had no standing to question your eligibility because his harm would be no different from the harm to be suffered by all other American citizens if you, as an ineligible person were to assume the Presidency. The judge in Hawaii actually said it would be an invasion of your privacy for him to order access to your original birth certificate in order to prove your eligibility to hold the Office of President.
Before you can legitimately exercise any of the powers of the President you must meet all the criteria for eligibility established by the Constitution. You are under a moral, legal, and fiduciary duty to proffer such evidence. Should you assume the office as anyone but a bona fide natural born citizen of the United States who has
not relinquished that citizenship, you would be inviting a national crisis that would undermine the domestic peace and stability of the Nation. For example:
• You would always be viewed by many Americans as a poseur - a usurper.
• As a usurper, you would be unable to take the required “Oath or Affirmation” on January 20 without committing the crime of perjury or false swearing, for being ineligible you cannot faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States.
• You would be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from the People.
• The armed forces would be under no legal obligation to remain obedient to you.
• No civilian in the Executive Branch would be required to obey any of your proclamations, executive orders or directives, as such orders would be legally void.
• Your appointments of Ambassadors and Judges to the Supreme Court would be void no matter what subsequent actions the Senate might take.
• Congress would not be able to pass new laws because it would not be able to acquire the signature of a bona fide President.
• As a usurper, Congress would be unable to remove you from the Office of the President on Impeachment, inviting certain political chaos including a potential for armed conflicts within the General Government or among the States and the People to effect the removal of such a usurper.
In consideration of the escalating constitutional crisis brought on by the total lack of evidence needed to conclusively establish your eligibility, I am compelled to lodge a First Amendment Petition for a Redress of this constitutional tort.
With all due respect, I ask that you immediately direct the appropriate Hawaiian officials to allow access to the vault copy of your birth certificate by our forensic scientists on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 5, 6 and 7, 2008.
In addition, I ask that you to arrange to have the following documentary evidence delivered to the National Press Club by 10 am on December 8, 2008.
• a certified copy of your “vault” (original long version) birth certificate.
• certified copies of all reissued and sealed birth certificates in the names Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham.
• a certified copy of your Certification of Citizenship.
• a certified copy of your Oath of Allegiance taken upon age of maturity.
• certified copies of your admission forms for Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School.
• certified copies of any court orders or legal documents changing your name from Barry Soetoro.
“In a government of laws, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.” Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this urgent matter.
Robert L. Schulz
Do you find it amazing that we aren’t hearing anything about this in the major media? If you want to read this letter for yourself you can see it on their website at There will of course be a link on my blog at . Again you’re welcome to comment here at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430. Remember you can email me at or and check out the Lion’s Den Blog on Blogger. I would love to hear from you.
One thing is for sure, whatever comes of these issues and questions about the presidency, Jesus Christ is still the Lord of Glory and Worthy of our Praise, and this next song by Hillsong, says, Let Everything that has Breath Praise the Lord, from their Album, You Are My World.
That was Hillsong, and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM Tu Estacion, Diferente. This Dan Hocker, reminding you that you can call in anytime with your comments, at 706-279-1430.
Hey, you could get the idea that things are mess in the world, in this country. There are certainly a lot of problems. Maybe your life is a mess, and you don’t know what to do about it. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Hey, Pastor Dan, you don’t know what I’m going through.” Know what? You’re right. I don’t but God does, and I’m here to tell you that there is absolutely nothing too big for Him to handle. He’s God, and He cares about you! As we wrap up today, I want to pray with you, because I really do believe that God both can and will answer our prayers. Let me close with the profound truth of this simple song we learned as children, Jesus Loves Me, from the the Integrity Music Album, No Higher Calling!
Well in spite of all this wonderful news, I couldn’t be better. We had a better month in November at Bates Furniture Company, where I work, not a great month, but better than October. At Bates Furniture we are trying to help the folks this year during the Christmas Crunch! That’s not a new cereal either. I’m talking about the pressure folks are feeling from the economic crisis we are in. We have some GREAT sales going on right now! We have three living room suites on the floor right now for under $800.00 and package deals including Sofa, Loveseat, Tables, and lamps, starting at just $1300.00! We have specials all over the store. It’s also a great time to take advantage of our 90 day interest free plan! With Income tax returns just around the corner, you can get your furniture today, with a minimum payment plan, and pay off the balance with your income tax return in March, INTEREST FREE! Hey, why not stop in to Bates Furniture during the Christmas Season, where we still say, Merry Christmas!
Well, we’ve put up our Christmas Tree, and strung the lights. And to help put you in get in the Christmas Spirit, here’s an upbeat arrangement of a traditional Christmas Carole, Joy to the World, sung by Whitney Houston and the Georgia Mass Choir.
I hope you remembered to Vote in the runoff election yesterday. It was a big day here in Georgia. The eyes of the nation were watching the Peach State as we returned to the polls in the runoff for the Senate seat of Saxby Chambliss. Do you know why this was such an important race? If the Democrats could have defeated Chambliss they woud have possibly had a filibuster proof Senate. It takes 60 votes to stop a filibuster. With the Chambliss victory they will have only 58 of the 60 votes they wanted. That means they will have to to work with Republicans to stop a filibuster.
In the Judicial race for the Georgia Court of Appeals, Mike Sheffield, who had the endorsement of Georgia Right to Life, lost to Sara Doyle. This was a blow to conservative values.
The other two races on the Whitfield County ballot were for the Public Service Commisioner and a local race for the Magistrate Court between attorney Sam Little and former Sherif’s Deputy, Chris Griffin. The incumbent Republican kept his seat on the Public Service Commision, and Chris Griffin won a seat on the Magistrate Court.
What’s more important than all of this news is the Good News! God is doing some great things right now, right here in Whitfield County, Georgia! This past Sunday was just awesome! Young people, I mean teenagers to young adults, are responding spontaneously to the Holy Spirit during the Praise and Worship Service at Christian Fellowship! This past Sunday Amber reported that God had answered prayer, healing a broken family relationship! Two young adults were filled with the Holy Spirit, like on the Day of Pentecost! And two others received Christ as Lord and Savior! It’s Wednesday and I’m still walking on air! If you don’t have a church home, then why not come and visit with us at Christian Fellowship one block off Hwy 41 on 201 at the corner of Church and Cemetery Street. Come and experience the Revival God is giving us right now!
Hey whatever it is you need today, Here’s a song by Darlene Zschech, All the Power You Need, from the Integrity Music Album, Shout to the Lord.
This is Dan Hocker, and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM Tu Estacion, Diferente! That was Darlene Zschech, singing All the Power You Need.
Last week on the Lion’s Den we were talking about the Major Media Blackout about Obamagate! Haven’t heard the expression? Well I’m not surprised, and you shouldn’t be either, but 124,000 folks have sent emails and letters to congress asking them to take action! In case you missed last week, or are just tuning in, Obamagate refers to the five cases that have reached the Supreme Court already, challenging Barak Obama’s eligibility to serve as President based on the Constitutional Requirement that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States. There are some serious questions about his eligibility that he has not answered, including the fact that neither he nor the DNC have answered the Supreme Court’s request for a response to the Berg Case. Remember that Berg’s case was thrown out of a lower court not because of his evidence but because the Judge in Pennsylvania said he lacked standing. Berg appealed to the Supreme Court, but there he is not alone, with five cases already there, and cases from 15 more states moving toward the Supreme Court! Hey this isn’t just going away. The people want answers. In fact the “We the People Foundation” has placed a full page ad in the Chicago Tribune, and open letter to Barak Obama. Before I read to you let me remind you that you are listening to the Lion’s Den, and you can participate, Call us at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430.
Here’s what they put in the Chicago Tribune, and I believe they also ran it in New York too!
Dear Mr. Obama,
Representing thousands of responsible American citizens who have also taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic, I am duty bound to call on you to remedy an apparent violation of the Constitution.
Compelling evidence supports the claim that you are barred from holding the Office of President by the “natural born citizen” clause of the U.S. Constitution. For instance:
• Your father was a Kenyan citizen at the time of your birth and your mother was 18.
• Legal affidavits state you were born in Kenya.
• Your grandmother is recorded on tape saying she attended your birth in Kenya.
• Hawaii Dept of Health will not confirm your assertion that you were born in Hawaii.
• You have posted an unsigned, computer-generated birth form that was created in 2007, a form that lacks vital information found on an original, hand signed Certificate of Live Birth, such as hospital address, signature of attending physician and age of mother.
• U.S. Law in 1961 denied U.S. citizenship to any child born in Kenya if the father was Kenyan and the mother was not yet 19 years of age.
• In 1965, your mother legally relinquished whatever Kenyan or U.S. citizenship she and you had by marrying an Indonesian and becoming a naturalized Indonesian citizen.
You have repeatedly refused to provide evidence of your eligibility when challenged to do so in a number of recent lawsuits. Instead, you have been successful in having judges declare that they are powerless to order you to prove your eligibility to assume the Office of President.
For instance, the judge in Pennsylvania ruled the challenger had no standing to question your eligibility because his harm would be no different from the harm to be suffered by all other American citizens if you, as an ineligible person were to assume the Presidency. The judge in Hawaii actually said it would be an invasion of your privacy for him to order access to your original birth certificate in order to prove your eligibility to hold the Office of President.
Before you can legitimately exercise any of the powers of the President you must meet all the criteria for eligibility established by the Constitution. You are under a moral, legal, and fiduciary duty to proffer such evidence. Should you assume the office as anyone but a bona fide natural born citizen of the United States who has
not relinquished that citizenship, you would be inviting a national crisis that would undermine the domestic peace and stability of the Nation. For example:
• You would always be viewed by many Americans as a poseur - a usurper.
• As a usurper, you would be unable to take the required “Oath or Affirmation” on January 20 without committing the crime of perjury or false swearing, for being ineligible you cannot faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States.
• You would be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from the People.
• The armed forces would be under no legal obligation to remain obedient to you.
• No civilian in the Executive Branch would be required to obey any of your proclamations, executive orders or directives, as such orders would be legally void.
• Your appointments of Ambassadors and Judges to the Supreme Court would be void no matter what subsequent actions the Senate might take.
• Congress would not be able to pass new laws because it would not be able to acquire the signature of a bona fide President.
• As a usurper, Congress would be unable to remove you from the Office of the President on Impeachment, inviting certain political chaos including a potential for armed conflicts within the General Government or among the States and the People to effect the removal of such a usurper.
In consideration of the escalating constitutional crisis brought on by the total lack of evidence needed to conclusively establish your eligibility, I am compelled to lodge a First Amendment Petition for a Redress of this constitutional tort.
With all due respect, I ask that you immediately direct the appropriate Hawaiian officials to allow access to the vault copy of your birth certificate by our forensic scientists on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 5, 6 and 7, 2008.
In addition, I ask that you to arrange to have the following documentary evidence delivered to the National Press Club by 10 am on December 8, 2008.
• a certified copy of your “vault” (original long version) birth certificate.
• certified copies of all reissued and sealed birth certificates in the names Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham.
• a certified copy of your Certification of Citizenship.
• a certified copy of your Oath of Allegiance taken upon age of maturity.
• certified copies of your admission forms for Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School.
• certified copies of any court orders or legal documents changing your name from Barry Soetoro.
“In a government of laws, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.” Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this urgent matter.
Robert L. Schulz
Do you find it amazing that we aren’t hearing anything about this in the major media? If you want to read this letter for yourself you can see it on their website at There will of course be a link on my blog at . Again you’re welcome to comment here at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430. Remember you can email me at or and check out the Lion’s Den Blog on Blogger. I would love to hear from you.
One thing is for sure, whatever comes of these issues and questions about the presidency, Jesus Christ is still the Lord of Glory and Worthy of our Praise, and this next song by Hillsong, says, Let Everything that has Breath Praise the Lord, from their Album, You Are My World.
That was Hillsong, and you’re listening to the Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM Tu Estacion, Diferente. This Dan Hocker, reminding you that you can call in anytime with your comments, at 706-279-1430.
Hey, you could get the idea that things are mess in the world, in this country. There are certainly a lot of problems. Maybe your life is a mess, and you don’t know what to do about it. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Hey, Pastor Dan, you don’t know what I’m going through.” Know what? You’re right. I don’t but God does, and I’m here to tell you that there is absolutely nothing too big for Him to handle. He’s God, and He cares about you! As we wrap up today, I want to pray with you, because I really do believe that God both can and will answer our prayers. Let me close with the profound truth of this simple song we learned as children, Jesus Loves Me, from the the Integrity Music Album, No Higher Calling!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Good afternoon, this is Dan Hocker. Welcome back to The Lion’s Den, on Renueva Tu Fe Radio, 1430 AM. Before we get rolling with the topic for this past Wednesday, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Ours was a big day! I want to begin this posting by thanking so many of you who responded during our radiothon, last Thurday, Friday, and Saturday. Wow, did you ever touch our hearts? It was a great beginning, and we are thankful for your help, but if you are listening to 1430AM today, and didn’t respond this past weekend, we still need your help to raise the rest of our budget. It’s not too late for you to join our team, guaranteeing the future of Renueva Tu Fe Radio. Why not call today with your faith promise? Help us keep your station on the air, 706-279-1430. If you believe this is vitally important, as I do, then why not join our support team today?
For us, Thanksgiving has always been a day when the family gets together for a special meal, although some things have changed as the kids have married. Since their spouses have family traditions too, we don’t always have everybody, but we still get together to eat a traditional meal with turkey and dressing. I know, there are way too many carbs and too many deserts, but it's THANKSGIVING! Maybe I can burn most of them off before we start on those Christmas celebrations! Hey, I hope you take time to remember what Thanksgiving is all about! Remember to thank God for His blessings! Has He been good to us! Let’s begin this afternoon with Michael Smith’s recognition of God’s Greatness in the classic, How Great Thou Art from the Album, No Higher Calling.
I want to introduce today’s topic by sharing a piece I found on the website Do you wonder, why there is so much silence in the media about the possible Constitutional Crisis we are facing, with reference to possibility that the President Elect may not meet the Constitutional Requirement of Article II Section 1, of being a natural born citizen of the United States? I know, some of you are wondering when I will drop this and move on. Well, I want you to hear what Joan Swirsky, a journalist and author from New York wrote as she signed the petition at . By the way, I logged on and signed the same petition too, and then emailed it to 120 folks on my email list. Joan entitles her comments, A Deafening Silence.
It is no mystery that the leftist media have refused to mention this potentially looming Constitutional crisis in virtually all of their print and electronic coverage. Having shilled for Obama for the past two years - dismissing his longtime radical associations, obfuscating his radical voting record, and taking a pass at their jobs of vetting a presidential candidate - their failure to cover the most explosive story of the 2008 campaign speaks volumes about collusion of the highest order. Then there are the late-night comics, as well as snarky "humorists" like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, who take pride in being irreverent and "outing" both people and subjects that others avoid. Not a word.
But what about the failure of the powerful conservative media - how to explain their total blackout of this story? Let's look at their reactions:
Fox News: Total Silence. Did the healthy shares that Saudi Arabia bought of Fox influence the network's non-coverage of this story? After all, it's no secret which candidate the Saudis endorsed! We know that TV shows, including Fox, are on a seven-second delay, the better to bleep out offensive or inappropriate
material. Doesn't it strike Fox viewers as strange that not one of their outspoken guests, even once, mentioned this story? Who warned them not to?
Rush Limbaugh: Total Silence. Why has the Excellence-in-Broadcasting's "Dr. of Democracy" - the man who eats sacred cows for breakfast - not touched this story?
Mark Levin: Total Silence. Why has this popular radio host, commonly known as "the Great One," abandoned his well-deserved reputation as a Constitutional scholar to studiously not address this Constitutional issue?
Laura Ingraham: Total Silence. Here is another radio powerhouse and former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas taking pains not to mention this case...not a word!
Bill O'Reilly: Total Silence. Yes, the guy who claims he's "just looking out for the folks"...voiceless!
Sean Hannity: Total Silence. The iconic radio and TV host who tackles every controversial subject under the sun...missing in action!
Have you wondered why we don’t hear anything from these folks? Got any idea? Give me a call here at 706-279-1430. We’d like to hear from you. Remember that you can also email us at or You can also join some 74,000 plus who have already signed the petition at . I have added a link to this site. Just click on "Sign the Petition," under Links.
Hey, whatever happens, we are not like those who have no hope if we have put our trust and confidence in the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. This afternoon if your heart is troubled let me point you to the only hope of the nations, and the only hope of America, Jesus Christ. Why not call on Him to change your heart today. Here’s Edwin Harch singing Change My Heart O God.
we’re talking about the amazing SILENCE of major media about the possible Constitutional Crisis we are facing with reference to the very real possibility that the President Elect may not have met the eligibility requirements of the Constitution under Article II, Section 1, that state he must be a “natural born citizen” to serve in the office of President. If you want to join the conversation remember you can call us here at 706-279-1430. Also, if you missed our radiothon and want to support Renueva Tu Fe Radio, we welcome your call today.
Now back to our topic. Joan Swirsky continues with her comments on what she calls the “Deafening Silence” of not only the major media but also the conservative media. She writes:
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The very people - the so-called loyal opposition - who should have been shouting this story from the rooftops for months on end went mute. Ordinarily they would be the first to tell you that our Republic has no more precious document than the U.S. Constitution - a document that set the stage for the greatest experiment in human freedom since the beginning of recorded history. People like me - and multi-millions of others - are aware of what happens when the "salami tactics" of tyrants are employed in the service of leftwing ideology.
First, there is a charismatic character promising "change" and "hope," but who changes his tune once in power. Second there is a whittling down of the laws of the land and the arrogant dismissal of the documents on which the nation was founded. Third there is the blacking-out of all media that disagree with Dear Leader's message. And fourth there is the rounding-up and incarceration - or worse - of all dissidents.
Let me add here what I believe is some important information. Joan Swirsky also writes in another article I read on her website that she is a Jew, and that the nothing in all of history has affected her more than the Holocaust. Now, I’m sure that none of us want to think anything like that could happen in America, but she continues with this:
This is not theory. This is history. But while both left and right media thought it appropriate to comment at length about Obama's seven-page Questionnaire for those seeking work in his administration - a probing that makes a Pap Test, mammogram, colonoscopy, and endoscopy in one visit seem mild by comparison - not one of these cowardly journalists has asked the simple question: Mr. Obama, where is your birth certificate?
Well, I don’t know about you, but I have joined the thousands of Americans, like Joan, who are calling on Congress, and the Supreme Court to defend the Constitution. It is time for Truth to prevail. “We the people” just want the questions answered with Truth! You can sign the petition too! There is a link provided entitled, "Sign the Petition," right here on my blog. Hey, you are welcome to share your comments here or on the air Wednesdays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST.
While we’re talking about Truth let me remind you that we must face the Truth someday. Maybe the truth is that you have been living life your way instead of God’s Way. I want to remind you that Jesus came to pay the price for our sins, and make a way for us to be forgiven. That’s the message of our next song by Randy Butler, Before You, on the album The Very Best of Winds of Worship.
I hope you have found the way to have a heart that is pure before God.
As we return to today’s topic, I invite you and join the conversation. I am certainly interested in what you have to say. Hey, I confess I just don’t understand why this isn’t a major story on all the networks. If the charges of Phillip J. Berg are true, and we go forward with the vote of the Electoral College on December 15th and the Inauguration on January 20th without thoroughly addressing these issues, then we would effectively usher in an age of lawlessness with no regard for the Constitution, the foundational legal document for the rule of law in the United States of America.
Joan continues in this section entitled SCROUNGING FOR ANSWERS:
I've written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy theories. But the case of the U.S. media's complete non-coverage of this major story has gotten me to speculate on what - or who - may be behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence our country's putative guardians of free speech - the titans of the Fourth Estate?
Perhaps the mystery goes back to 2004, when President Bush won his second term in office and in his first press conference in the White House said that he had "earned political capital and intended to spend it."
Then - suddenly and inexplicably - he went into a year-long hibernation. He rarely appeared in public and gave no major speeches. Finally he reemerged - albeit weakly - in late November or early December of 2005
Could it be that shortly after the president's reelection, he and major government officials received highly credible evidence from America's ruthless Islamist enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons - set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities - unless he (the president) tacked left and played nice for the following two years?
Was America taken hostage?
The president, one could speculate, had only two choices: (1) play "chicken" and possibly sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and the destruction of major American cities, or (2) opt for the lesser of two evils, the second being to pave the way for a dangerous Trojan Horse - qualified or not - to capture the White House.
Could it be that the media blackout of the most explosive story of any presidential election in American history has been choreographed by none other than the current POTUS - the most powerful man in the entire world? This would certainly explain why President Bush has not "been himself" since January 20, 2005. It would also explain why the all-powerful media have taken his marching orders - including the New York Times, which takes particular pleasure in undermining and sabotaging the president, even when it comes to national security issues.
If this happened, it would have had to involve the highest echelon in our intelligence services, who might have paid personal visits to publishers throughout the United States, as well as to top TV and radio executives, who themselves would have passed down iron-clad orders - to their anchors, broadcasters, even comedians - to follow the blackout order or face Draconian consequences. Clearly, they followed their marching orders.
On November 4 - Election Day - the Dow was above 9,000. It is now plummeting to below 7,000, (That would have been November 23rd when she wrote this article.) suggesting that even the "globalists" among us prefer tax cuts and capitalism to tax hikes and not creeping but galloping socialism - or what the esteemed Dr. Jack Wheeler insists is fascism.
Buyers' remorse is in the air. America has been hijacked. What a price we will pay if the Supreme Court and the Electoral College abandon their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution by capitulating - as the media have - to our enemies. God Save America!
Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at
Hey, I am a patriot, and I want to leave you with one of my favorite Patriotic Songs, reminding you to be thankful for America, and our troops, the men and women who have make it safe for democracy. Here’s Lee Greenwood, God Bless the USA.
For us, Thanksgiving has always been a day when the family gets together for a special meal, although some things have changed as the kids have married. Since their spouses have family traditions too, we don’t always have everybody, but we still get together to eat a traditional meal with turkey and dressing. I know, there are way too many carbs and too many deserts, but it's THANKSGIVING! Maybe I can burn most of them off before we start on those Christmas celebrations! Hey, I hope you take time to remember what Thanksgiving is all about! Remember to thank God for His blessings! Has He been good to us! Let’s begin this afternoon with Michael Smith’s recognition of God’s Greatness in the classic, How Great Thou Art from the Album, No Higher Calling.
I want to introduce today’s topic by sharing a piece I found on the website Do you wonder, why there is so much silence in the media about the possible Constitutional Crisis we are facing, with reference to possibility that the President Elect may not meet the Constitutional Requirement of Article II Section 1, of being a natural born citizen of the United States? I know, some of you are wondering when I will drop this and move on. Well, I want you to hear what Joan Swirsky, a journalist and author from New York wrote as she signed the petition at . By the way, I logged on and signed the same petition too, and then emailed it to 120 folks on my email list. Joan entitles her comments, A Deafening Silence.
It is no mystery that the leftist media have refused to mention this potentially looming Constitutional crisis in virtually all of their print and electronic coverage. Having shilled for Obama for the past two years - dismissing his longtime radical associations, obfuscating his radical voting record, and taking a pass at their jobs of vetting a presidential candidate - their failure to cover the most explosive story of the 2008 campaign speaks volumes about collusion of the highest order. Then there are the late-night comics, as well as snarky "humorists" like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, who take pride in being irreverent and "outing" both people and subjects that others avoid. Not a word.
But what about the failure of the powerful conservative media - how to explain their total blackout of this story? Let's look at their reactions:
Fox News: Total Silence. Did the healthy shares that Saudi Arabia bought of Fox influence the network's non-coverage of this story? After all, it's no secret which candidate the Saudis endorsed! We know that TV shows, including Fox, are on a seven-second delay, the better to bleep out offensive or inappropriate
material. Doesn't it strike Fox viewers as strange that not one of their outspoken guests, even once, mentioned this story? Who warned them not to?
Rush Limbaugh: Total Silence. Why has the Excellence-in-Broadcasting's "Dr. of Democracy" - the man who eats sacred cows for breakfast - not touched this story?
Mark Levin: Total Silence. Why has this popular radio host, commonly known as "the Great One," abandoned his well-deserved reputation as a Constitutional scholar to studiously not address this Constitutional issue?
Laura Ingraham: Total Silence. Here is another radio powerhouse and former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas taking pains not to mention this case...not a word!
Bill O'Reilly: Total Silence. Yes, the guy who claims he's "just looking out for the folks"...voiceless!
Sean Hannity: Total Silence. The iconic radio and TV host who tackles every controversial subject under the sun...missing in action!
Have you wondered why we don’t hear anything from these folks? Got any idea? Give me a call here at 706-279-1430. We’d like to hear from you. Remember that you can also email us at or You can also join some 74,000 plus who have already signed the petition at . I have added a link to this site. Just click on "Sign the Petition," under Links.
Hey, whatever happens, we are not like those who have no hope if we have put our trust and confidence in the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. This afternoon if your heart is troubled let me point you to the only hope of the nations, and the only hope of America, Jesus Christ. Why not call on Him to change your heart today. Here’s Edwin Harch singing Change My Heart O God.
we’re talking about the amazing SILENCE of major media about the possible Constitutional Crisis we are facing with reference to the very real possibility that the President Elect may not have met the eligibility requirements of the Constitution under Article II, Section 1, that state he must be a “natural born citizen” to serve in the office of President. If you want to join the conversation remember you can call us here at 706-279-1430. Also, if you missed our radiothon and want to support Renueva Tu Fe Radio, we welcome your call today.
Now back to our topic. Joan Swirsky continues with her comments on what she calls the “Deafening Silence” of not only the major media but also the conservative media. She writes:
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The very people - the so-called loyal opposition - who should have been shouting this story from the rooftops for months on end went mute. Ordinarily they would be the first to tell you that our Republic has no more precious document than the U.S. Constitution - a document that set the stage for the greatest experiment in human freedom since the beginning of recorded history. People like me - and multi-millions of others - are aware of what happens when the "salami tactics" of tyrants are employed in the service of leftwing ideology.
First, there is a charismatic character promising "change" and "hope," but who changes his tune once in power. Second there is a whittling down of the laws of the land and the arrogant dismissal of the documents on which the nation was founded. Third there is the blacking-out of all media that disagree with Dear Leader's message. And fourth there is the rounding-up and incarceration - or worse - of all dissidents.
Let me add here what I believe is some important information. Joan Swirsky also writes in another article I read on her website that she is a Jew, and that the nothing in all of history has affected her more than the Holocaust. Now, I’m sure that none of us want to think anything like that could happen in America, but she continues with this:
This is not theory. This is history. But while both left and right media thought it appropriate to comment at length about Obama's seven-page Questionnaire for those seeking work in his administration - a probing that makes a Pap Test, mammogram, colonoscopy, and endoscopy in one visit seem mild by comparison - not one of these cowardly journalists has asked the simple question: Mr. Obama, where is your birth certificate?
Well, I don’t know about you, but I have joined the thousands of Americans, like Joan, who are calling on Congress, and the Supreme Court to defend the Constitution. It is time for Truth to prevail. “We the people” just want the questions answered with Truth! You can sign the petition too! There is a link provided entitled, "Sign the Petition," right here on my blog. Hey, you are welcome to share your comments here or on the air Wednesdays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST.
While we’re talking about Truth let me remind you that we must face the Truth someday. Maybe the truth is that you have been living life your way instead of God’s Way. I want to remind you that Jesus came to pay the price for our sins, and make a way for us to be forgiven. That’s the message of our next song by Randy Butler, Before You, on the album The Very Best of Winds of Worship.
I hope you have found the way to have a heart that is pure before God.
As we return to today’s topic, I invite you and join the conversation. I am certainly interested in what you have to say. Hey, I confess I just don’t understand why this isn’t a major story on all the networks. If the charges of Phillip J. Berg are true, and we go forward with the vote of the Electoral College on December 15th and the Inauguration on January 20th without thoroughly addressing these issues, then we would effectively usher in an age of lawlessness with no regard for the Constitution, the foundational legal document for the rule of law in the United States of America.
Joan continues in this section entitled SCROUNGING FOR ANSWERS:
I've written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy theories. But the case of the U.S. media's complete non-coverage of this major story has gotten me to speculate on what - or who - may be behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence our country's putative guardians of free speech - the titans of the Fourth Estate?
Perhaps the mystery goes back to 2004, when President Bush won his second term in office and in his first press conference in the White House said that he had "earned political capital and intended to spend it."
Then - suddenly and inexplicably - he went into a year-long hibernation. He rarely appeared in public and gave no major speeches. Finally he reemerged - albeit weakly - in late November or early December of 2005
Could it be that shortly after the president's reelection, he and major government officials received highly credible evidence from America's ruthless Islamist enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons - set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities - unless he (the president) tacked left and played nice for the following two years?
Was America taken hostage?
The president, one could speculate, had only two choices: (1) play "chicken" and possibly sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and the destruction of major American cities, or (2) opt for the lesser of two evils, the second being to pave the way for a dangerous Trojan Horse - qualified or not - to capture the White House.
Could it be that the media blackout of the most explosive story of any presidential election in American history has been choreographed by none other than the current POTUS - the most powerful man in the entire world? This would certainly explain why President Bush has not "been himself" since January 20, 2005. It would also explain why the all-powerful media have taken his marching orders - including the New York Times, which takes particular pleasure in undermining and sabotaging the president, even when it comes to national security issues.
If this happened, it would have had to involve the highest echelon in our intelligence services, who might have paid personal visits to publishers throughout the United States, as well as to top TV and radio executives, who themselves would have passed down iron-clad orders - to their anchors, broadcasters, even comedians - to follow the blackout order or face Draconian consequences. Clearly, they followed their marching orders.
On November 4 - Election Day - the Dow was above 9,000. It is now plummeting to below 7,000, (That would have been November 23rd when she wrote this article.) suggesting that even the "globalists" among us prefer tax cuts and capitalism to tax hikes and not creeping but galloping socialism - or what the esteemed Dr. Jack Wheeler insists is fascism.
Buyers' remorse is in the air. America has been hijacked. What a price we will pay if the Supreme Court and the Electoral College abandon their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution by capitulating - as the media have - to our enemies. God Save America!
Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at
Hey, I am a patriot, and I want to leave you with one of my favorite Patriotic Songs, reminding you to be thankful for America, and our troops, the men and women who have make it safe for democracy. Here’s Lee Greenwood, God Bless the USA.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Citizenship Question
Good Afternoon, this is Dan Hocker, and welcome back to the Lion’s Den. Am I ever excited about what God is doing! Really!
Maybe you remember Tony the Tiger? You know, the cartoon mascot for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes? Well, then again maybe you’re not old enough to remember. They would always have him say that Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are GRRRRREAT! Well, I’d have to say that I’ve already had a GRRRRREAT week! You know your week can always be great if you start it off right, like the Tiger says, your day is better if you start it off with a great breakfast. Well my week started off with a GRRRREAT Sunday!
What happened Sunday? I’m glad you asked, because I could hardly wait to tell you. This Sunday I planned a communion service, and instead of waiting until the end, I planned to serve communion between the last two songs of our praise and worship. Be careful what you plan. During the song service some of our young people spontaneously came to the altar to pray! Next thing you know, there are several praying and earnestly seeking God! When we finally prayed together in response to Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 11:28, “Let a man examine himself,” I led a simple sinner’s prayer, and a young man sitting near the back prayed that prayer with me and accepted Christ as his Savior. Then after embracing his dad in tears, the two of them joined in the communion service. There was just an awesome sense of God’s presence,and that’s the theme of our first song, I Believe the Presence of God from Hillsong’s Darlene Zschech.
I Believe The Promise About the visions And the dreams
That the holy spirit Will be poured out And his power will be seen
Well the Time is now The place is here And his people have come in faith
There's a mighty sound And a touch of fire When we're gathered in one place
I Believe that the Presence of God is here
There’s not one thing That can't be changed
When the Spirit Of God is near
I believe that the Presence Of God is Here
When two or three are gathered
When People rise in faith I believe God Answers
And his Presence is in this Place
Nothing on earth or Heaven Can stop the power of God
Into our hands is given The call to take it on
No Ocean can contain it No star can rise above
Into our Hearts is Given The power of his love
Some of our listeners may know me from Bates Furniture Company, where I have worked for the last 23 years! Sometimes I wonder , “where has the time gone?” Did you know that Bates has been serving our community now for 37 year at its present location on Henderson Street, and this past June we celebrated 60 YEARS of business. That’s right; Bates Furniture has been serving the families of Dalton since 1948! Hey, if you’re in town, why not stop in and see me in the work place, maybe I can help you find a great bargain on something you need for your home during the Thanksgiving or Christmas Season. Here’s a shout out to my co-workers at Bates Furniture Company, where we’re making your house a home.
Speaking of Thanksgiving and Christmas, during the holidays, we want to give you an opportunity to help us keep the Renueva Tu Fe Vision alive here on 1430AM. Perhaps you would like to call in and make a monthly pledge or a one time donation to help us keep Renueva Tu Fe on the air. Renueva Tu Fe is a non-profit ministry, bringing Christian programming to the Dalton area and beyond via the internet on, touching lives with the good news of Jesus Christ. Why not give us a call here at 706-279-1430 and share in this ministry? You can also email us via or Hey why not join the team by supporting your radio station Renueva Tu Fe at 1430AM? Call today.
Do I ever have a HOT topic for today? I know some people are probably tired of hearing about the election, but you’ve heard the expression, “It’ s not over until the fat lady sings?” Well she hasn’t sung yet, and won’t sing until the electoral college casts their votes December 15th, followed by the inauguration January 20, 2009. Get ready to share your opinion on this one. What about this citizenship question? You heard me right. There is a very real possibility that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore according to Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution not eligible to be the President! I know, everyone is talking about it like it’s already a done deal, BUT if it should turn out that he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN then he cannot serve as the President of the United States according the Constitution.
I know, you’ve seen his “birth certificate” on the internet! Some experts have examined it and declared the one on the internet to be a forgery! Add to that the claim his paternal Kenyan grandmother makes that she was there when he was born in Kenya Africa. Now let’s weigh these statements. Obama claims he was born in Honolulu Hawaii, his grandmother says he was born in Kenya! Who are you going to believe? Ask yourself this question, who would have motive to lie about this issue? Want to share your opinion? Call me at 706-279-1430. Hey, I have a lot of Hispanic friends with at least as much right to be president as Obama, and many with more right. I just haven’t been convinced , and there are so many questions that need to be answered , so we don’t end up with a constitutional crisis.
Well more about that later, after this song, that features some excerpts from S.M. Lockeridge’s sermon, “That’s My King,” from the title song of the Acapella album, All That I Need. This is certainly a time for us to cast our cares on Him, with so many uncertainties about jobs, and the economy. It’s time to recognize Our King, and let Him truly be all that we need.
[He's the ruler of righteousnessHe's the authority of the ages
He's the holiness of heaven He's the God of glory
He's the King of Kings And he's the Lord of Lords
That's my Christ And I want you to come and know Him For yourself]
Living to please my Lord and Savior Changing my life and my behavior
Making new choices that will favor Him
Looking above, my aim is higher Trusting in Him is my desire
Making it day to day requires Him
All I ever wanted was truth All I ever needed was You
All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
[Do you want to know Him]
Knowing the truth no longer guessing Every morning I'm confessing
Daily I'm thanking You for blessing me
Taking control He fills my yearning Now that I know there's much I'm learning
Knowing my Lord will soon return for me
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
[You need to know Him]
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus, all that I want is Him (repeat through speech)
[He's the key to knowledge He's the wealth of wisdom
He's the dawn of deliverance He's the road to redemption
He's the highway to holiness He's the gateway to glory
Don't you want to know him?
His love is limitless His word is wonderful
His reign is righter His yoke is easy and His burden is lighter
Oh! I wish I could introduce you to Him adequately
But actually he's indescribably irresistible He's invincible
He's incomprehensible He's incomparable
Yes, you can live with Him But you can't live without Him
Yes, the Pharisees, they tested Him But they found out they couldn't defeat Him
Pilate could not find any fault in Him Herod couldn't harm Him
Death couldn't handle Him and The grave couldn't hold Him
That's my Christ That's my Lord and That's my Jesus
Well, thine is the kingdom The power and the glory
Forever, and ever and ever
And after you get through with all the forevers
You ought to be able to say Amen]
Man, does that Lockeridge ever stir my heart with his preaching! Hey, this is Dan Hocker, and You are listening to the Lion’s Den here on Your Radio Station, Renueva Tu Fe 1430AM. Before we return to today’s topic I want to take a moment to personally thank a couple of the corporate Sponsors of Renueva Tu Fe Radio, Ponders Funeral Home, and Carneceria Loa. These businesses are run by some people with vision for our community. Then let me remind you that you can join our team by giving to Renueva Tu Fe, during our Holiday Fund Raiser. Why not call in today, and make your monthly pledge or your one time faith promise. We’re standing by the phone at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430.
We’re talking about the eligibility of Barak Obama to serve as President. Not capability, but eligibility. If you think I mean that he may not have even had the right to run for President then you understand me perfectly well. I know you’ve got to be wondering how in the world could this happen? Truthfully, I’m wondering about that too! But before anybody cries foul, let me remind you that they already put McCain through the wringer on this issue.
McCain produced his birth documents and they were examined by the Senate, which voted in unanimous agreement that John McCain’s birth fulfills the requirement of being a natural born citizen, having every right to run and serve if elected in the office of the President of the United States. I’m wondering why they didn’t just go ahead and examine Obama’s documents at the same time? Is it possible that he just hasn’t cooperated like McCain did? Perhaps he has something to hide? Like his paternal grandmother joyously celebrating and publicly declaring that she was THERE when her grandson Barak Obama was born in Kenya! Hey, it just can’t be both ways! Either he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii like the questionable document on the internet says or he was born in Kenya like his grandmother says! What do you think? I’d love to hear your opinion. Call me at 706-279-1430 and weigh in on this one.
Here’s the deal. His grandmother brags that she was there when he was born in Kenya. Well his mother was an America citizen, so what’s the big deal. Well his website claims he was born in Hawaii! If grandmother is right then he is NOT a natural born citizen because his mother was only 18 and married to Obama’s father who was a Kenyan citizen. He would not have met the requirements of the time in history to be a natural born citizen.
But the plot thickens. Records indicate that after his mother married the second time, he attended school in Indonesia, his stepfather’s country, where only Indonesia citizens are eligible to attend. Then at the age of twenty, he traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesia passport? Hey what country is he from, and to whom does he owe allegiance? It high time we had some answers. If he is a natural born citizen let him bring for the truth and answer the questions raised against his qualification. If he’s not then it’s time for the game to be up!
You’re listening to the Lion’s Den on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM, and we are certainly facing some uncertain times. In times like these I am so glad to know that we can have the confidence that our Savior is with us. He is proven, even more, he has been tested and proven. In fact He promises that He will always be with us, He all we need and He is always there! Wherever "there" is.
You Were There by Avalon
I wonder how it must have felt When David stood to face Goliath on a hill
I imagine that he shook with all his might Until You took his hand, and held on tight
'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of danger's snare
You were there, You were there always You were there when the hardest fight Seemed so out of reach
Oh, You were there, You were always there You were always there
So there he stood upon that hill Abraham with knife in hand was poised to kill
But God in all his sovereignty had bigger plans And just in time, You brought a lamb
'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of the unclear
You were there, you were there always
You were there when obedience Seemed to not make sense
You were there, You were always there You were always there
So haven't I learned that my ways Aren't as high as Yours are
And You alone keep the universe From crumbling into dust
You are God and though we would Not have understood You
There You were
Hanging blameless on a cross You would rather die than leave us in the dark
Every moment, every planned coincidence Just all makes sense
With Your last breath You were there, You were there
During history's darkest hour You were there, You were there always
You were the Victor and the King You were the power in David's swing
You were the calm in Abraham You are the God who understands
You are the strength when we have none You are the living, Holy one
You were, You are and You will always be the Risen Lamb of God
You were, You are and You will always be The Risen Lamb of God
Now, I know that some you must think I am loony, but the truth is, that I believe I must do all that I can while we have window of time to act. It may be that nothing will come of all these efforts, but then at least I have tried. This week I wrote all nine Justices of the Supreme Court, calling on them to defend the Constitution of the United States, and protect the Office of the President from being usurped. I also wrote our Georgia Senators, Saxby Chabliss and Johnny Isakson, along with Representative Nathan Deal. Today I’m calling on you to pray again. All of these issues have been well articulated in a case before the Supreme Court now. The High court has given Obama and the DNC until December 1st to Respond. Then Phillip Berg, Esquire will have and opportunity to reply to the Court about their response, and the Court will decide wheter or not to hear this case. Maybe the will, Maybe they won’t, and if the don’t and he takes the Oath of Office, we can expect the hastening of the Lord’s Return. Hey I want to ask you today, Are You Ready for Him? I certainly hope so.
Ready For You by Kutless
Lord, You take my heart away with Your love
and I am willing to put on my faith in Your plan.
Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.
I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.
Cleanse all of my mind that is not of You.
Break me, teaching me how to find rest in Your hands.
Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.
I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.
To come and fill my soul.
Whatever it takes,
I'm needing to make Your will be done
and I'm letting go of my control,
for I see what You've done in me.
I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul
Maybe you remember Tony the Tiger? You know, the cartoon mascot for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes? Well, then again maybe you’re not old enough to remember. They would always have him say that Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are GRRRRREAT! Well, I’d have to say that I’ve already had a GRRRRREAT week! You know your week can always be great if you start it off right, like the Tiger says, your day is better if you start it off with a great breakfast. Well my week started off with a GRRRREAT Sunday!
What happened Sunday? I’m glad you asked, because I could hardly wait to tell you. This Sunday I planned a communion service, and instead of waiting until the end, I planned to serve communion between the last two songs of our praise and worship. Be careful what you plan. During the song service some of our young people spontaneously came to the altar to pray! Next thing you know, there are several praying and earnestly seeking God! When we finally prayed together in response to Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 11:28, “Let a man examine himself,” I led a simple sinner’s prayer, and a young man sitting near the back prayed that prayer with me and accepted Christ as his Savior. Then after embracing his dad in tears, the two of them joined in the communion service. There was just an awesome sense of God’s presence,and that’s the theme of our first song, I Believe the Presence of God from Hillsong’s Darlene Zschech.
I Believe The Promise About the visions And the dreams
That the holy spirit Will be poured out And his power will be seen
Well the Time is now The place is here And his people have come in faith
There's a mighty sound And a touch of fire When we're gathered in one place
I Believe that the Presence of God is here
There’s not one thing That can't be changed
When the Spirit Of God is near
I believe that the Presence Of God is Here
When two or three are gathered
When People rise in faith I believe God Answers
And his Presence is in this Place
Nothing on earth or Heaven Can stop the power of God
Into our hands is given The call to take it on
No Ocean can contain it No star can rise above
Into our Hearts is Given The power of his love
Some of our listeners may know me from Bates Furniture Company, where I have worked for the last 23 years! Sometimes I wonder , “where has the time gone?” Did you know that Bates has been serving our community now for 37 year at its present location on Henderson Street, and this past June we celebrated 60 YEARS of business. That’s right; Bates Furniture has been serving the families of Dalton since 1948! Hey, if you’re in town, why not stop in and see me in the work place, maybe I can help you find a great bargain on something you need for your home during the Thanksgiving or Christmas Season. Here’s a shout out to my co-workers at Bates Furniture Company, where we’re making your house a home.
Speaking of Thanksgiving and Christmas, during the holidays, we want to give you an opportunity to help us keep the Renueva Tu Fe Vision alive here on 1430AM. Perhaps you would like to call in and make a monthly pledge or a one time donation to help us keep Renueva Tu Fe on the air. Renueva Tu Fe is a non-profit ministry, bringing Christian programming to the Dalton area and beyond via the internet on, touching lives with the good news of Jesus Christ. Why not give us a call here at 706-279-1430 and share in this ministry? You can also email us via or Hey why not join the team by supporting your radio station Renueva Tu Fe at 1430AM? Call today.
Do I ever have a HOT topic for today? I know some people are probably tired of hearing about the election, but you’ve heard the expression, “It’ s not over until the fat lady sings?” Well she hasn’t sung yet, and won’t sing until the electoral college casts their votes December 15th, followed by the inauguration January 20, 2009. Get ready to share your opinion on this one. What about this citizenship question? You heard me right. There is a very real possibility that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore according to Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution not eligible to be the President! I know, everyone is talking about it like it’s already a done deal, BUT if it should turn out that he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN then he cannot serve as the President of the United States according the Constitution.
I know, you’ve seen his “birth certificate” on the internet! Some experts have examined it and declared the one on the internet to be a forgery! Add to that the claim his paternal Kenyan grandmother makes that she was there when he was born in Kenya Africa. Now let’s weigh these statements. Obama claims he was born in Honolulu Hawaii, his grandmother says he was born in Kenya! Who are you going to believe? Ask yourself this question, who would have motive to lie about this issue? Want to share your opinion? Call me at 706-279-1430. Hey, I have a lot of Hispanic friends with at least as much right to be president as Obama, and many with more right. I just haven’t been convinced , and there are so many questions that need to be answered , so we don’t end up with a constitutional crisis.
Well more about that later, after this song, that features some excerpts from S.M. Lockeridge’s sermon, “That’s My King,” from the title song of the Acapella album, All That I Need. This is certainly a time for us to cast our cares on Him, with so many uncertainties about jobs, and the economy. It’s time to recognize Our King, and let Him truly be all that we need.
[He's the ruler of righteousnessHe's the authority of the ages
He's the holiness of heaven He's the God of glory
He's the King of Kings And he's the Lord of Lords
That's my Christ And I want you to come and know Him For yourself]
Living to please my Lord and Savior Changing my life and my behavior
Making new choices that will favor Him
Looking above, my aim is higher Trusting in Him is my desire
Making it day to day requires Him
All I ever wanted was truth All I ever needed was You
All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
[Do you want to know Him]
Knowing the truth no longer guessing Every morning I'm confessing
Daily I'm thanking You for blessing me
Taking control He fills my yearning Now that I know there's much I'm learning
Knowing my Lord will soon return for me
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
[You need to know Him]
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus, all that I want is Him (repeat through speech)
[He's the key to knowledge He's the wealth of wisdom
He's the dawn of deliverance He's the road to redemption
He's the highway to holiness He's the gateway to glory
Don't you want to know him?
His love is limitless His word is wonderful
His reign is righter His yoke is easy and His burden is lighter
Oh! I wish I could introduce you to Him adequately
But actually he's indescribably irresistible He's invincible
He's incomprehensible He's incomparable
Yes, you can live with Him But you can't live without Him
Yes, the Pharisees, they tested Him But they found out they couldn't defeat Him
Pilate could not find any fault in Him Herod couldn't harm Him
Death couldn't handle Him and The grave couldn't hold Him
That's my Christ That's my Lord and That's my Jesus
Well, thine is the kingdom The power and the glory
Forever, and ever and ever
And after you get through with all the forevers
You ought to be able to say Amen]
Man, does that Lockeridge ever stir my heart with his preaching! Hey, this is Dan Hocker, and You are listening to the Lion’s Den here on Your Radio Station, Renueva Tu Fe 1430AM. Before we return to today’s topic I want to take a moment to personally thank a couple of the corporate Sponsors of Renueva Tu Fe Radio, Ponders Funeral Home, and Carneceria Loa. These businesses are run by some people with vision for our community. Then let me remind you that you can join our team by giving to Renueva Tu Fe, during our Holiday Fund Raiser. Why not call in today, and make your monthly pledge or your one time faith promise. We’re standing by the phone at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430.
We’re talking about the eligibility of Barak Obama to serve as President. Not capability, but eligibility. If you think I mean that he may not have even had the right to run for President then you understand me perfectly well. I know you’ve got to be wondering how in the world could this happen? Truthfully, I’m wondering about that too! But before anybody cries foul, let me remind you that they already put McCain through the wringer on this issue.
McCain produced his birth documents and they were examined by the Senate, which voted in unanimous agreement that John McCain’s birth fulfills the requirement of being a natural born citizen, having every right to run and serve if elected in the office of the President of the United States. I’m wondering why they didn’t just go ahead and examine Obama’s documents at the same time? Is it possible that he just hasn’t cooperated like McCain did? Perhaps he has something to hide? Like his paternal grandmother joyously celebrating and publicly declaring that she was THERE when her grandson Barak Obama was born in Kenya! Hey, it just can’t be both ways! Either he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii like the questionable document on the internet says or he was born in Kenya like his grandmother says! What do you think? I’d love to hear your opinion. Call me at 706-279-1430 and weigh in on this one.
Here’s the deal. His grandmother brags that she was there when he was born in Kenya. Well his mother was an America citizen, so what’s the big deal. Well his website claims he was born in Hawaii! If grandmother is right then he is NOT a natural born citizen because his mother was only 18 and married to Obama’s father who was a Kenyan citizen. He would not have met the requirements of the time in history to be a natural born citizen.
But the plot thickens. Records indicate that after his mother married the second time, he attended school in Indonesia, his stepfather’s country, where only Indonesia citizens are eligible to attend. Then at the age of twenty, he traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesia passport? Hey what country is he from, and to whom does he owe allegiance? It high time we had some answers. If he is a natural born citizen let him bring for the truth and answer the questions raised against his qualification. If he’s not then it’s time for the game to be up!
You’re listening to the Lion’s Den on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM, and we are certainly facing some uncertain times. In times like these I am so glad to know that we can have the confidence that our Savior is with us. He is proven, even more, he has been tested and proven. In fact He promises that He will always be with us, He all we need and He is always there! Wherever "there" is.
You Were There by Avalon
I wonder how it must have felt When David stood to face Goliath on a hill
I imagine that he shook with all his might Until You took his hand, and held on tight
'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of danger's snare
You were there, You were there always You were there when the hardest fight Seemed so out of reach
Oh, You were there, You were always there You were always there
So there he stood upon that hill Abraham with knife in hand was poised to kill
But God in all his sovereignty had bigger plans And just in time, You brought a lamb
'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of the unclear
You were there, you were there always
You were there when obedience Seemed to not make sense
You were there, You were always there You were always there
So haven't I learned that my ways Aren't as high as Yours are
And You alone keep the universe From crumbling into dust
You are God and though we would Not have understood You
There You were
Hanging blameless on a cross You would rather die than leave us in the dark
Every moment, every planned coincidence Just all makes sense
With Your last breath You were there, You were there
During history's darkest hour You were there, You were there always
You were the Victor and the King You were the power in David's swing
You were the calm in Abraham You are the God who understands
You are the strength when we have none You are the living, Holy one
You were, You are and You will always be the Risen Lamb of God
You were, You are and You will always be The Risen Lamb of God
Now, I know that some you must think I am loony, but the truth is, that I believe I must do all that I can while we have window of time to act. It may be that nothing will come of all these efforts, but then at least I have tried. This week I wrote all nine Justices of the Supreme Court, calling on them to defend the Constitution of the United States, and protect the Office of the President from being usurped. I also wrote our Georgia Senators, Saxby Chabliss and Johnny Isakson, along with Representative Nathan Deal. Today I’m calling on you to pray again. All of these issues have been well articulated in a case before the Supreme Court now. The High court has given Obama and the DNC until December 1st to Respond. Then Phillip Berg, Esquire will have and opportunity to reply to the Court about their response, and the Court will decide wheter or not to hear this case. Maybe the will, Maybe they won’t, and if the don’t and he takes the Oath of Office, we can expect the hastening of the Lord’s Return. Hey I want to ask you today, Are You Ready for Him? I certainly hope so.
Ready For You by Kutless
Lord, You take my heart away with Your love
and I am willing to put on my faith in Your plan.
Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.
I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.
Cleanse all of my mind that is not of You.
Break me, teaching me how to find rest in Your hands.
Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.
I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.
To come and fill my soul.
Whatever it takes,
I'm needing to make Your will be done
and I'm letting go of my control,
for I see what You've done in me.
I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul
Friday, November 14, 2008
Understaning Obama
During last Wednesday's program I referred to an article by Ali Sina written on September 22, 2008 entitled "Understanding Obama." You can read the original at or just click on the link to the right "Understanding Obama," and please keep praying for America!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Sweetheart
Good Afternoon, this is Dan Hocker, and welcome back to The Lion’s Den, here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. Today is my wife's birthday! I do my best to remember her birthday, because Crystal (my wife) remembers all the others. She remembers the birthdays of ALL our children, all six of them, along with the spouses of our married children, her parents, my parents, my brothers, her brothers, and the grandchildren too! What an amazing woman. So, for all you do, happy birthday, Sweetheart!
Hey did you try to go to the bank or Post Office yesterday? They were closed in observance of Veteran’s Day. No matter what day of the week it falls on, we always celebrate Veteran’s Day on November 11th. I want to say thank you to all our veterans today. I tried to call some good friends who served, and tell them how much I appreciate their service to our country, but I also think it’s important to appreciate those who are serving now, and their families. We want to remind you to pray for troops and their families and in honor of all of them I want to begin our show this afternoon with this old classic, “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;
[originally …let us die to make men free]
While God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While God is marching on.
Did you hear that among the things Obama plans to do as soon as he takes office is to reverse some “Bush policies.” One of those is to remove the restrictions placed on Stem Cell Research. Do you remember how we celebrated George W. Bush’s courage to place limitations on Stem Cell Research to discourage abortion as a means to acquire human stem cells. The Right to Life Community celebrated. Now this is the news of the day.
Hey the objective here is not simply to say, "Hey, we told you so." That would be pointless. Rather I want to equip you to talk with your friends as they wake up from this dream they have chosen over the reality of Obama's real positions on moral issues. I am afraid that soon tens of millions of Christians will sheepishly say, "I guess I should have known better."
I guess I still find it amazing that although 43% of Christians did not follow the recommendations and endorsements of National Right to Life as they voted in this presidential election. Maybe we shouldn’t be so amazed, since Obama had such a decided advantage both in the media’s bias and the money he spent to get his message out. People, including Christians, just believed this eloquent speaker.
Well I am glad that many of you answered the call to prayer for America, and I hope you will continue praying. Maybe you’ll join me in lifting the prayer of this next song, “Change my Heart, O God."
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
There are few things more divisive than politics, and because of its divisive nature, it is no wonder that many pastors and Christian leaders simply refuse to be involved at all. Those who venture into the troubled waters of politics do so to the tune of “Separation of Church and State,” in three part harmony. They claim that Separation of church and state prohibits the church from exercising influence on the state. Although we know that the intent was to keep the state out of the affairs of the church and not vice versa. However, fearing the loss of their tax exempt status, many churches just won’t get involved.
Another reason is simply the fear that they may anger someone who is attending their church by taking a stand on an issue where there may be others in the congregation with a different point of view. In the interest of unity they remain silent on political issues that might put them in the middle of controversy.
During the campaigns, passions rise and arguments ensue. Candidates make their cases. Parties present their platforms. We listen and we do our best to decide. Finally, we cast our vote, based on the information we have received. The ballots are counted. Sometimes we win. Sometimes we lose. Then it’s over. There are no more arguments to present. Right or wrong, decisions are made, and we go on.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve made a few dumb decisions in my life, but even then, they were errors of the head, and not errors of the heart. One couple I know canceled each other’s vote this year. Maybe you voted differently than your best friend. Maybe you voted differently than a whole lot of your friends. Hey, your vote is your business, and if you are a Christian, however you voted, I’m sure that you were doing your best to make the best decision you could for your family, your church, your friends. The deciding factor may have been one the moral issues like a candidates position on abortion or same sex marriage. On the other hand the deciding factor may have been the moral responsibility of providing for your family or defending your loved one who is in harm’s way.
So, however, you voted, or however your brother or sister voted, let’s believe the best about them. After all, you know that they would never do anything intentionally to harm you. Perhaps you think they could have or should have made a better decision. Hey, let’s give credit where credit is due. Their candidate or the proponents for their issue just did a better job communicating their message effectively than your candidate did.
The votes are in and decisions are made. Now, let’s get down to the eternal business of the church. Although these other decisions are vitally important, they pale in significance to our work in Christ’s Kingdom.
It’s time for us to pray even more, and turn our hearts toward the heavenly Father. Our hope is in a return to the values that made this nation great, but that will only happen as we return to the God of our Fathers.
This song by Casting Crowns is a word picture from the story of the Prodigal Son, from their 2005 album, Lifesong, “Prodigal”
Living on my own, thinking for myself
Castles in the sand, temporary wealth
Walls are falling down, storms are closing in
Tears have filled my eyes, here I am again
And I've held out as long as I can
Now I'm letting go and holding out my hand
Daddy, here I am again
Will You take me back tonight
I went and made the world my friend
And it left me high and dry
I drag Your name back through the mud
That You first found me in
Not worthy to be called Your son
Is this to be my end
Daddy, here I am
Here I am again
Curse this morning sun
Drags me in to one more day
Of reaping what I've sown
Of living with my shame
Welcome to my world
And the life that I have made
Where one day you're a prince
The next day you're a slave
The election results are now in, and for some, the temptation to despair is strong. Not here on the Lion’s Den. Sure admit to being more than a little disappointed in Tuesday’s results, but we are people of hope.
As Paul writes in Philippians 3:17 “Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ”. The important thing to remember is this: the truths we stand for hav not been diminished at by a political defeat. We may have lost a battle but not the war!
The coming political climate will bring new challenges, but also new opportunities to be witnesses.
Consider this due notice. I assure you that we are not going away. Now more than ever, America needs citizens like you courageous enough to stand up for the truth. Together we can make a difference. Together we can build an army of prayer warriors, and just as we have prayed during this historic moments in our nations history, we will KEEP ON PRAYING! We will keep on working until Jesus comes!
Now more than ever, we owe it to the next generation to provide a strong voice for life, faith and family.
As we wrap up this edition of the Lion’s Den, let me leave you again with this song from Avalon, “If My People Pray."
Now is the season for healing
Deeply we need to see God's mercy revealing
Where we have fallen from His way
For we know He gives hope to the humble
Gives light in the darkness
And grace when we stumble
Let us call on His name together
Knowing He will say ... If My people pray
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face
And heaven will rain Rivers of My grace overflowing
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray Now is the day to awaken
To pray with conviction
For the souls of the nation
So let us call on His name
Whose faithful promise still remains ..
If My people pray
(If My people who are called by My name)
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
(Humble themselves and pray)
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face (Seek Me)
And heaven will rain (If My people who are called by My name)
Rivers of My grace overflowing (Turn from their wicked ways)
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray
Let us not grow weary as we wait for the day
When the light turns our night into morning
On our knees, calling Your name as we lift our hearts to heaven Yeah,
knowing You will say ...
Hey let's keep praying until next time here on the Lion's Den.
Hey did you try to go to the bank or Post Office yesterday? They were closed in observance of Veteran’s Day. No matter what day of the week it falls on, we always celebrate Veteran’s Day on November 11th. I want to say thank you to all our veterans today. I tried to call some good friends who served, and tell them how much I appreciate their service to our country, but I also think it’s important to appreciate those who are serving now, and their families. We want to remind you to pray for troops and their families and in honor of all of them I want to begin our show this afternoon with this old classic, “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;
[originally …let us die to make men free]
While God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While God is marching on.
Did you hear that among the things Obama plans to do as soon as he takes office is to reverse some “Bush policies.” One of those is to remove the restrictions placed on Stem Cell Research. Do you remember how we celebrated George W. Bush’s courage to place limitations on Stem Cell Research to discourage abortion as a means to acquire human stem cells. The Right to Life Community celebrated. Now this is the news of the day.
Hey the objective here is not simply to say, "Hey, we told you so." That would be pointless. Rather I want to equip you to talk with your friends as they wake up from this dream they have chosen over the reality of Obama's real positions on moral issues. I am afraid that soon tens of millions of Christians will sheepishly say, "I guess I should have known better."
I guess I still find it amazing that although 43% of Christians did not follow the recommendations and endorsements of National Right to Life as they voted in this presidential election. Maybe we shouldn’t be so amazed, since Obama had such a decided advantage both in the media’s bias and the money he spent to get his message out. People, including Christians, just believed this eloquent speaker.
Well I am glad that many of you answered the call to prayer for America, and I hope you will continue praying. Maybe you’ll join me in lifting the prayer of this next song, “Change my Heart, O God."
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
There are few things more divisive than politics, and because of its divisive nature, it is no wonder that many pastors and Christian leaders simply refuse to be involved at all. Those who venture into the troubled waters of politics do so to the tune of “Separation of Church and State,” in three part harmony. They claim that Separation of church and state prohibits the church from exercising influence on the state. Although we know that the intent was to keep the state out of the affairs of the church and not vice versa. However, fearing the loss of their tax exempt status, many churches just won’t get involved.
Another reason is simply the fear that they may anger someone who is attending their church by taking a stand on an issue where there may be others in the congregation with a different point of view. In the interest of unity they remain silent on political issues that might put them in the middle of controversy.
During the campaigns, passions rise and arguments ensue. Candidates make their cases. Parties present their platforms. We listen and we do our best to decide. Finally, we cast our vote, based on the information we have received. The ballots are counted. Sometimes we win. Sometimes we lose. Then it’s over. There are no more arguments to present. Right or wrong, decisions are made, and we go on.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve made a few dumb decisions in my life, but even then, they were errors of the head, and not errors of the heart. One couple I know canceled each other’s vote this year. Maybe you voted differently than your best friend. Maybe you voted differently than a whole lot of your friends. Hey, your vote is your business, and if you are a Christian, however you voted, I’m sure that you were doing your best to make the best decision you could for your family, your church, your friends. The deciding factor may have been one the moral issues like a candidates position on abortion or same sex marriage. On the other hand the deciding factor may have been the moral responsibility of providing for your family or defending your loved one who is in harm’s way.
So, however, you voted, or however your brother or sister voted, let’s believe the best about them. After all, you know that they would never do anything intentionally to harm you. Perhaps you think they could have or should have made a better decision. Hey, let’s give credit where credit is due. Their candidate or the proponents for their issue just did a better job communicating their message effectively than your candidate did.
The votes are in and decisions are made. Now, let’s get down to the eternal business of the church. Although these other decisions are vitally important, they pale in significance to our work in Christ’s Kingdom.
It’s time for us to pray even more, and turn our hearts toward the heavenly Father. Our hope is in a return to the values that made this nation great, but that will only happen as we return to the God of our Fathers.
This song by Casting Crowns is a word picture from the story of the Prodigal Son, from their 2005 album, Lifesong, “Prodigal”
Living on my own, thinking for myself
Castles in the sand, temporary wealth
Walls are falling down, storms are closing in
Tears have filled my eyes, here I am again
And I've held out as long as I can
Now I'm letting go and holding out my hand
Daddy, here I am again
Will You take me back tonight
I went and made the world my friend
And it left me high and dry
I drag Your name back through the mud
That You first found me in
Not worthy to be called Your son
Is this to be my end
Daddy, here I am
Here I am again
Curse this morning sun
Drags me in to one more day
Of reaping what I've sown
Of living with my shame
Welcome to my world
And the life that I have made
Where one day you're a prince
The next day you're a slave
The election results are now in, and for some, the temptation to despair is strong. Not here on the Lion’s Den. Sure admit to being more than a little disappointed in Tuesday’s results, but we are people of hope.
As Paul writes in Philippians 3:17 “Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ”. The important thing to remember is this: the truths we stand for hav not been diminished at by a political defeat. We may have lost a battle but not the war!
The coming political climate will bring new challenges, but also new opportunities to be witnesses.
Consider this due notice. I assure you that we are not going away. Now more than ever, America needs citizens like you courageous enough to stand up for the truth. Together we can make a difference. Together we can build an army of prayer warriors, and just as we have prayed during this historic moments in our nations history, we will KEEP ON PRAYING! We will keep on working until Jesus comes!
Now more than ever, we owe it to the next generation to provide a strong voice for life, faith and family.
As we wrap up this edition of the Lion’s Den, let me leave you again with this song from Avalon, “If My People Pray."
Now is the season for healing
Deeply we need to see God's mercy revealing
Where we have fallen from His way
For we know He gives hope to the humble
Gives light in the darkness
And grace when we stumble
Let us call on His name together
Knowing He will say ... If My people pray
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face
And heaven will rain Rivers of My grace overflowing
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray Now is the day to awaken
To pray with conviction
For the souls of the nation
So let us call on His name
Whose faithful promise still remains ..
If My people pray
(If My people who are called by My name)
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
(Humble themselves and pray)
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face (Seek Me)
And heaven will rain (If My people who are called by My name)
Rivers of My grace overflowing (Turn from their wicked ways)
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray
Let us not grow weary as we wait for the day
When the light turns our night into morning
On our knees, calling Your name as we lift our hearts to heaven Yeah,
knowing You will say ...
Hey let's keep praying until next time here on the Lion's Den.
Veteran's Day
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