Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Citizenship Question

Good Afternoon, this is Dan Hocker, and welcome back to the Lion’s Den. Am I ever excited about what God is doing! Really!
Maybe you remember Tony the Tiger? You know, the cartoon mascot for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes? Well, then again maybe you’re not old enough to remember. They would always have him say that Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are GRRRRREAT! Well, I’d have to say that I’ve already had a GRRRRREAT week! You know your week can always be great if you start it off right, like the Tiger says, your day is better if you start it off with a great breakfast. Well my week started off with a GRRRREAT Sunday!
What happened Sunday? I’m glad you asked, because I could hardly wait to tell you. This Sunday I planned a communion service, and instead of waiting until the end, I planned to serve communion between the last two songs of our praise and worship. Be careful what you plan. During the song service some of our young people spontaneously came to the altar to pray! Next thing you know, there are several praying and earnestly seeking God! When we finally prayed together in response to Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 11:28, “Let a man examine himself,” I led a simple sinner’s prayer, and a young man sitting near the back prayed that prayer with me and accepted Christ as his Savior. Then after embracing his dad in tears, the two of them joined in the communion service. There was just an awesome sense of God’s presence,and that’s the theme of our first song, I Believe the Presence of God from Hillsong’s Darlene Zschech.

I Believe The Promise About the visions And the dreams
That the holy spirit Will be poured out And his power will be seen
Well the Time is now The place is here And his people have come in faith
There's a mighty sound And a touch of fire When we're gathered in one place

I Believe that the Presence of God is here
There’s not one thing That can't be changed
When the Spirit Of God is near
I believe that the Presence Of God is Here
When two or three are gathered
When People rise in faith I believe God Answers
And his Presence is in this Place

Nothing on earth or Heaven Can stop the power of God
Into our hands is given The call to take it on
No Ocean can contain it No star can rise above
Into our Hearts is Given The power of his love

Some of our listeners may know me from Bates Furniture Company, where I have worked for the last 23 years! Sometimes I wonder , “where has the time gone?” Did you know that Bates has been serving our community now for 37 year at its present location on Henderson Street, and this past June we celebrated 60 YEARS of business. That’s right; Bates Furniture has been serving the families of Dalton since 1948! Hey, if you’re in town, why not stop in and see me in the work place, maybe I can help you find a great bargain on something you need for your home during the Thanksgiving or Christmas Season. Here’s a shout out to my co-workers at Bates Furniture Company, where we’re making your house a home.
Speaking of Thanksgiving and Christmas, during the holidays, we want to give you an opportunity to help us keep the Renueva Tu Fe Vision alive here on 1430AM. Perhaps you would like to call in and make a monthly pledge or a one time donation to help us keep Renueva Tu Fe on the air. Renueva Tu Fe is a non-profit ministry, bringing Christian programming to the Dalton area and beyond via the internet on, touching lives with the good news of Jesus Christ. Why not give us a call here at 706-279-1430 and share in this ministry? You can also email us via or Hey why not join the team by supporting your radio station Renueva Tu Fe at 1430AM? Call today.
Do I ever have a HOT topic for today? I know some people are probably tired of hearing about the election, but you’ve heard the expression, “It’ s not over until the fat lady sings?” Well she hasn’t sung yet, and won’t sing until the electoral college casts their votes December 15th, followed by the inauguration January 20, 2009. Get ready to share your opinion on this one. What about this citizenship question? You heard me right. There is a very real possibility that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore according to Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution not eligible to be the President! I know, everyone is talking about it like it’s already a done deal, BUT if it should turn out that he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN then he cannot serve as the President of the United States according the Constitution.
I know, you’ve seen his “birth certificate” on the internet! Some experts have examined it and declared the one on the internet to be a forgery! Add to that the claim his paternal Kenyan grandmother makes that she was there when he was born in Kenya Africa. Now let’s weigh these statements. Obama claims he was born in Honolulu Hawaii, his grandmother says he was born in Kenya! Who are you going to believe? Ask yourself this question, who would have motive to lie about this issue? Want to share your opinion? Call me at 706-279-1430. Hey, I have a lot of Hispanic friends with at least as much right to be president as Obama, and many with more right. I just haven’t been convinced , and there are so many questions that need to be answered , so we don’t end up with a constitutional crisis.
Well more about that later, after this song, that features some excerpts from S.M. Lockeridge’s sermon, “That’s My King,” from the title song of the Acapella album, All That I Need. This is certainly a time for us to cast our cares on Him, with so many uncertainties about jobs, and the economy. It’s time to recognize Our King, and let Him truly be all that we need.

[He's the ruler of righteousnessHe's the authority of the ages
He's the holiness of heaven He's the God of glory
He's the King of Kings And he's the Lord of Lords
That's my Christ And I want you to come and know Him For yourself]
Living to please my Lord and Savior Changing my life and my behavior
Making new choices that will favor Him
Looking above, my aim is higher Trusting in Him is my desire
Making it day to day requires Him
All I ever wanted was truth All I ever needed was You

All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
[Do you want to know Him]
Knowing the truth no longer guessing Every morning I'm confessing
Daily I'm thanking You for blessing me
Taking control He fills my yearning Now that I know there's much I'm learning
Knowing my Lord will soon return for me
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
[You need to know Him]
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus, all that I want is Him (repeat through speech)
[He's the key to knowledge He's the wealth of wisdom
He's the dawn of deliverance He's the road to redemption
He's the highway to holiness He's the gateway to glory
Don't you want to know him?
His love is limitless His word is wonderful
His reign is righter His yoke is easy and His burden is lighter
Oh! I wish I could introduce you to Him adequately
But actually he's indescribably irresistible He's invincible
He's incomprehensible He's incomparable
Yes, you can live with Him But you can't live without Him
Yes, the Pharisees, they tested Him But they found out they couldn't defeat Him
Pilate could not find any fault in Him Herod couldn't harm Him
Death couldn't handle Him and The grave couldn't hold Him
That's my Christ That's my Lord and That's my Jesus
Well, thine is the kingdom The power and the glory
Forever, and ever and ever
And after you get through with all the forevers
You ought to be able to say Amen]

Man, does that Lockeridge ever stir my heart with his preaching! Hey, this is Dan Hocker, and You are listening to the Lion’s Den here on Your Radio Station, Renueva Tu Fe 1430AM. Before we return to today’s topic I want to take a moment to personally thank a couple of the corporate Sponsors of Renueva Tu Fe Radio, Ponders Funeral Home, and Carneceria Loa. These businesses are run by some people with vision for our community. Then let me remind you that you can join our team by giving to Renueva Tu Fe, during our Holiday Fund Raiser. Why not call in today, and make your monthly pledge or your one time faith promise. We’re standing by the phone at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430.
We’re talking about the eligibility of Barak Obama to serve as President. Not capability, but eligibility. If you think I mean that he may not have even had the right to run for President then you understand me perfectly well. I know you’ve got to be wondering how in the world could this happen? Truthfully, I’m wondering about that too! But before anybody cries foul, let me remind you that they already put McCain through the wringer on this issue.
McCain produced his birth documents and they were examined by the Senate, which voted in unanimous agreement that John McCain’s birth fulfills the requirement of being a natural born citizen, having every right to run and serve if elected in the office of the President of the United States. I’m wondering why they didn’t just go ahead and examine Obama’s documents at the same time? Is it possible that he just hasn’t cooperated like McCain did? Perhaps he has something to hide? Like his paternal grandmother joyously celebrating and publicly declaring that she was THERE when her grandson Barak Obama was born in Kenya! Hey, it just can’t be both ways! Either he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii like the questionable document on the internet says or he was born in Kenya like his grandmother says! What do you think? I’d love to hear your opinion. Call me at 706-279-1430 and weigh in on this one.
Here’s the deal. His grandmother brags that she was there when he was born in Kenya. Well his mother was an America citizen, so what’s the big deal. Well his website claims he was born in Hawaii! If grandmother is right then he is NOT a natural born citizen because his mother was only 18 and married to Obama’s father who was a Kenyan citizen. He would not have met the requirements of the time in history to be a natural born citizen.
But the plot thickens. Records indicate that after his mother married the second time, he attended school in Indonesia, his stepfather’s country, where only Indonesia citizens are eligible to attend. Then at the age of twenty, he traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesia passport? Hey what country is he from, and to whom does he owe allegiance? It high time we had some answers. If he is a natural born citizen let him bring for the truth and answer the questions raised against his qualification. If he’s not then it’s time for the game to be up!
You’re listening to the Lion’s Den on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM, and we are certainly facing some uncertain times. In times like these I am so glad to know that we can have the confidence that our Savior is with us. He is proven, even more, he has been tested and proven. In fact He promises that He will always be with us, He all we need and He is always there! Wherever "there" is.

You Were There by Avalon
I wonder how it must have felt When David stood to face Goliath on a hill
I imagine that he shook with all his might Until You took his hand, and held on tight
'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of danger's snare
You were there, You were there always You were there when the hardest fight Seemed so out of reach
Oh, You were there, You were always there You were always there

So there he stood upon that hill Abraham with knife in hand was poised to kill
But God in all his sovereignty had bigger plans And just in time, You brought a lamb

'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of the unclear
You were there, you were there always
You were there when obedience Seemed to not make sense
You were there, You were always there You were always there

So haven't I learned that my ways Aren't as high as Yours are
And You alone keep the universe From crumbling into dust
You are God and though we would Not have understood You
There You were

Hanging blameless on a cross You would rather die than leave us in the dark
Every moment, every planned coincidence Just all makes sense
With Your last breath You were there, You were there
During history's darkest hour You were there, You were there always
You were the Victor and the King You were the power in David's swing
You were the calm in Abraham You are the God who understands
You are the strength when we have none You are the living, Holy one
You were, You are and You will always be the Risen Lamb of God
You were, You are and You will always be The Risen Lamb of God

Now, I know that some you must think I am loony, but the truth is, that I believe I must do all that I can while we have window of time to act. It may be that nothing will come of all these efforts, but then at least I have tried. This week I wrote all nine Justices of the Supreme Court, calling on them to defend the Constitution of the United States, and protect the Office of the President from being usurped. I also wrote our Georgia Senators, Saxby Chabliss and Johnny Isakson, along with Representative Nathan Deal. Today I’m calling on you to pray again. All of these issues have been well articulated in a case before the Supreme Court now. The High court has given Obama and the DNC until December 1st to Respond. Then Phillip Berg, Esquire will have and opportunity to reply to the Court about their response, and the Court will decide wheter or not to hear this case. Maybe the will, Maybe they won’t, and if the don’t and he takes the Oath of Office, we can expect the hastening of the Lord’s Return. Hey I want to ask you today, Are You Ready for Him? I certainly hope so.

Ready For You by Kutless
Lord, You take my heart away with Your love
and I am willing to put on my faith in Your plan.

Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.

I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.

Cleanse all of my mind that is not of You.
Break me, teaching me how to find rest in Your hands.

Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.

I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.
To come and fill my soul.

Whatever it takes,
I'm needing to make Your will be done
and I'm letting go of my control,
for I see what You've done in me.

I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul

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