Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Friday, November 28, 2008

Good afternoon, this is Dan Hocker. Welcome back to The Lion’s Den, on Renueva Tu Fe Radio, 1430 AM. Before we get rolling with the topic for this past Wednesday, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Ours was a big day! I want to begin this posting by thanking so many of you who responded during our radiothon, last Thurday, Friday, and Saturday. Wow, did you ever touch our hearts? It was a great beginning, and we are thankful for your help, but if you are listening to 1430AM today, and didn’t respond this past weekend, we still need your help to raise the rest of our budget. It’s not too late for you to join our team, guaranteeing the future of Renueva Tu Fe Radio. Why not call today with your faith promise? Help us keep your station on the air, 706-279-1430. If you believe this is vitally important, as I do, then why not join our support team today?

For us, Thanksgiving has always been a day when the family gets together for a special meal, although some things have changed as the kids have married. Since their spouses have family traditions too, we don’t always have everybody, but we still get together to eat a traditional meal with turkey and dressing. I know, there are way too many carbs and too many deserts, but it's THANKSGIVING! Maybe I can burn most of them off before we start on those Christmas celebrations! Hey, I hope you take time to remember what Thanksgiving is all about! Remember to thank God for His blessings! Has He been good to us! Let’s begin this afternoon with Michael Smith’s recognition of God’s Greatness in the classic, How Great Thou Art from the Album, No Higher Calling.

I want to introduce today’s topic by sharing a piece I found on the website Do you wonder, why there is so much silence in the media about the possible Constitutional Crisis we are facing, with reference to possibility that the President Elect may not meet the Constitutional Requirement of Article II Section 1, of being a natural born citizen of the United States? I know, some of you are wondering when I will drop this and move on. Well, I want you to hear what Joan Swirsky, a journalist and author from New York wrote as she signed the petition at . By the way, I logged on and signed the same petition too, and then emailed it to 120 folks on my email list. Joan entitles her comments, A Deafening Silence.

It is no mystery that the leftist media have refused to mention this potentially looming Constitutional crisis in virtually all of their print and electronic coverage. Having shilled for Obama for the past two years - dismissing his longtime radical associations, obfuscating his radical voting record, and taking a pass at their jobs of vetting a presidential candidate - their failure to cover the most explosive story of the 2008 campaign speaks volumes about collusion of the highest order. Then there are the late-night comics, as well as snarky "humorists" like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, who take pride in being irreverent and "outing" both people and subjects that others avoid. Not a word.

But what about the failure of the powerful conservative media - how to explain their total blackout of this story? Let's look at their reactions:

Fox News: Total Silence. Did the healthy shares that Saudi Arabia bought of Fox influence the network's non-coverage of this story? After all, it's no secret which candidate the Saudis endorsed! We know that TV shows, including Fox, are on a seven-second delay, the better to bleep out offensive or inappropriate
material. Doesn't it strike Fox viewers as strange that not one of their outspoken guests, even once, mentioned this story? Who warned them not to?

Rush Limbaugh: Total Silence. Why has the Excellence-in-Broadcasting's "Dr. of Democracy" - the man who eats sacred cows for breakfast - not touched this story?

Mark Levin: Total Silence. Why has this popular radio host, commonly known as "the Great One," abandoned his well-deserved reputation as a Constitutional scholar to studiously not address this Constitutional issue?

Laura Ingraham: Total Silence. Here is another radio powerhouse and former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas taking pains not to mention this case...not a word!

Bill O'Reilly: Total Silence. Yes, the guy who claims he's "just looking out for the folks"...voiceless!

Sean Hannity: Total Silence. The iconic radio and TV host who tackles every controversial subject under the sun...missing in action!

Have you wondered why we don’t hear anything from these folks? Got any idea? Give me a call here at 706-279-1430. We’d like to hear from you. Remember that you can also email us at or You can also join some 74,000 plus who have already signed the petition at . I have added a link to this site. Just click on "Sign the Petition," under Links.

Hey, whatever happens, we are not like those who have no hope if we have put our trust and confidence in the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. This afternoon if your heart is troubled let me point you to the only hope of the nations, and the only hope of America, Jesus Christ. Why not call on Him to change your heart today. Here’s Edwin Harch singing Change My Heart O God.

we’re talking about the amazing SILENCE of major media about the possible Constitutional Crisis we are facing with reference to the very real possibility that the President Elect may not have met the eligibility requirements of the Constitution under Article II, Section 1, that state he must be a “natural born citizen” to serve in the office of President. If you want to join the conversation remember you can call us here at 706-279-1430. Also, if you missed our radiothon and want to support Renueva Tu Fe Radio, we welcome your call today.

Now back to our topic. Joan Swirsky continues with her comments on what she calls the “Deafening Silence” of not only the major media but also the conservative media. She writes:

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The very people - the so-called loyal opposition - who should have been shouting this story from the rooftops for months on end went mute. Ordinarily they would be the first to tell you that our Republic has no more precious document than the U.S. Constitution - a document that set the stage for the greatest experiment in human freedom since the beginning of recorded history. People like me - and multi-millions of others - are aware of what happens when the "salami tactics" of tyrants are employed in the service of leftwing ideology.

First, there is a charismatic character promising "change" and "hope," but who changes his tune once in power. Second there is a whittling down of the laws of the land and the arrogant dismissal of the documents on which the nation was founded. Third there is the blacking-out of all media that disagree with Dear Leader's message. And fourth there is the rounding-up and incarceration - or worse - of all dissidents.

Let me add here what I believe is some important information. Joan Swirsky also writes in another article I read on her website that she is a Jew, and that the nothing in all of history has affected her more than the Holocaust. Now, I’m sure that none of us want to think anything like that could happen in America, but she continues with this:

This is not theory. This is history. But while both left and right media thought it appropriate to comment at length about Obama's seven-page Questionnaire for those seeking work in his administration - a probing that makes a Pap Test, mammogram, colonoscopy, and endoscopy in one visit seem mild by comparison - not one of these cowardly journalists has asked the simple question: Mr. Obama, where is your birth certificate?

Well, I don’t know about you, but I have joined the thousands of Americans, like Joan, who are calling on Congress, and the Supreme Court to defend the Constitution. It is time for Truth to prevail. “We the people” just want the questions answered with Truth! You can sign the petition too! There is a link provided entitled, "Sign the Petition," right here on my blog. Hey, you are welcome to share your comments here or on the air Wednesdays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST.

While we’re talking about Truth let me remind you that we must face the Truth someday. Maybe the truth is that you have been living life your way instead of God’s Way. I want to remind you that Jesus came to pay the price for our sins, and make a way for us to be forgiven. That’s the message of our next song by Randy Butler, Before You, on the album The Very Best of Winds of Worship.

I hope you have found the way to have a heart that is pure before God.

As we return to today’s topic, I invite you and join the conversation. I am certainly interested in what you have to say. Hey, I confess I just don’t understand why this isn’t a major story on all the networks. If the charges of Phillip J. Berg are true, and we go forward with the vote of the Electoral College on December 15th and the Inauguration on January 20th without thoroughly addressing these issues, then we would effectively usher in an age of lawlessness with no regard for the Constitution, the foundational legal document for the rule of law in the United States of America.

Joan continues in this section entitled SCROUNGING FOR ANSWERS:

I've written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy theories. But the case of the U.S. media's complete non-coverage of this major story has gotten me to speculate on what - or who - may be behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence our country's putative guardians of free speech - the titans of the Fourth Estate?

Perhaps the mystery goes back to 2004, when President Bush won his second term in office and in his first press conference in the White House said that he had "earned political capital and intended to spend it."

Then - suddenly and inexplicably - he went into a year-long hibernation. He rarely appeared in public and gave no major speeches. Finally he reemerged - albeit weakly - in late November or early December of 2005

Could it be that shortly after the president's reelection, he and major government officials received highly credible evidence from America's ruthless Islamist enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons - set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities - unless he (the president) tacked left and played nice for the following two years?
Was America taken hostage?

The president, one could speculate, had only two choices: (1) play "chicken" and possibly sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and the destruction of major American cities, or (2) opt for the lesser of two evils, the second being to pave the way for a dangerous Trojan Horse - qualified or not - to capture the White House.

Could it be that the media blackout of the most explosive story of any presidential election in American history has been choreographed by none other than the current POTUS - the most powerful man in the entire world? This would certainly explain why President Bush has not "been himself" since January 20, 2005. It would also explain why the all-powerful media have taken his marching orders - including the New York Times, which takes particular pleasure in undermining and sabotaging the president, even when it comes to national security issues.

If this happened, it would have had to involve the highest echelon in our intelligence services, who might have paid personal visits to publishers throughout the United States, as well as to top TV and radio executives, who themselves would have passed down iron-clad orders - to their anchors, broadcasters, even comedians - to follow the blackout order or face Draconian consequences. Clearly, they followed their marching orders.

On November 4 - Election Day - the Dow was above 9,000. It is now plummeting to below 7,000, (That would have been November 23rd when she wrote this article.) suggesting that even the "globalists" among us prefer tax cuts and capitalism to tax hikes and not creeping but galloping socialism - or what the esteemed Dr. Jack Wheeler insists is fascism.

Buyers' remorse is in the air. America has been hijacked. What a price we will pay if the Supreme Court and the Electoral College abandon their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution by capitulating - as the media have - to our enemies. God Save America!

Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at

Hey, I am a patriot, and I want to leave you with one of my favorite Patriotic Songs, reminding you to be thankful for America, and our troops, the men and women who have make it safe for democracy. Here’s Lee Greenwood, God Bless the USA.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Citizenship Question

Good Afternoon, this is Dan Hocker, and welcome back to the Lion’s Den. Am I ever excited about what God is doing! Really!
Maybe you remember Tony the Tiger? You know, the cartoon mascot for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes? Well, then again maybe you’re not old enough to remember. They would always have him say that Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are GRRRRREAT! Well, I’d have to say that I’ve already had a GRRRRREAT week! You know your week can always be great if you start it off right, like the Tiger says, your day is better if you start it off with a great breakfast. Well my week started off with a GRRRREAT Sunday!
What happened Sunday? I’m glad you asked, because I could hardly wait to tell you. This Sunday I planned a communion service, and instead of waiting until the end, I planned to serve communion between the last two songs of our praise and worship. Be careful what you plan. During the song service some of our young people spontaneously came to the altar to pray! Next thing you know, there are several praying and earnestly seeking God! When we finally prayed together in response to Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 11:28, “Let a man examine himself,” I led a simple sinner’s prayer, and a young man sitting near the back prayed that prayer with me and accepted Christ as his Savior. Then after embracing his dad in tears, the two of them joined in the communion service. There was just an awesome sense of God’s presence,and that’s the theme of our first song, I Believe the Presence of God from Hillsong’s Darlene Zschech.

I Believe The Promise About the visions And the dreams
That the holy spirit Will be poured out And his power will be seen
Well the Time is now The place is here And his people have come in faith
There's a mighty sound And a touch of fire When we're gathered in one place

I Believe that the Presence of God is here
There’s not one thing That can't be changed
When the Spirit Of God is near
I believe that the Presence Of God is Here
When two or three are gathered
When People rise in faith I believe God Answers
And his Presence is in this Place

Nothing on earth or Heaven Can stop the power of God
Into our hands is given The call to take it on
No Ocean can contain it No star can rise above
Into our Hearts is Given The power of his love

Some of our listeners may know me from Bates Furniture Company, where I have worked for the last 23 years! Sometimes I wonder , “where has the time gone?” Did you know that Bates has been serving our community now for 37 year at its present location on Henderson Street, and this past June we celebrated 60 YEARS of business. That’s right; Bates Furniture has been serving the families of Dalton since 1948! Hey, if you’re in town, why not stop in and see me in the work place, maybe I can help you find a great bargain on something you need for your home during the Thanksgiving or Christmas Season. Here’s a shout out to my co-workers at Bates Furniture Company, where we’re making your house a home.
Speaking of Thanksgiving and Christmas, during the holidays, we want to give you an opportunity to help us keep the Renueva Tu Fe Vision alive here on 1430AM. Perhaps you would like to call in and make a monthly pledge or a one time donation to help us keep Renueva Tu Fe on the air. Renueva Tu Fe is a non-profit ministry, bringing Christian programming to the Dalton area and beyond via the internet on, touching lives with the good news of Jesus Christ. Why not give us a call here at 706-279-1430 and share in this ministry? You can also email us via or Hey why not join the team by supporting your radio station Renueva Tu Fe at 1430AM? Call today.
Do I ever have a HOT topic for today? I know some people are probably tired of hearing about the election, but you’ve heard the expression, “It’ s not over until the fat lady sings?” Well she hasn’t sung yet, and won’t sing until the electoral college casts their votes December 15th, followed by the inauguration January 20, 2009. Get ready to share your opinion on this one. What about this citizenship question? You heard me right. There is a very real possibility that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore according to Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution not eligible to be the President! I know, everyone is talking about it like it’s already a done deal, BUT if it should turn out that he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN then he cannot serve as the President of the United States according the Constitution.
I know, you’ve seen his “birth certificate” on the internet! Some experts have examined it and declared the one on the internet to be a forgery! Add to that the claim his paternal Kenyan grandmother makes that she was there when he was born in Kenya Africa. Now let’s weigh these statements. Obama claims he was born in Honolulu Hawaii, his grandmother says he was born in Kenya! Who are you going to believe? Ask yourself this question, who would have motive to lie about this issue? Want to share your opinion? Call me at 706-279-1430. Hey, I have a lot of Hispanic friends with at least as much right to be president as Obama, and many with more right. I just haven’t been convinced , and there are so many questions that need to be answered , so we don’t end up with a constitutional crisis.
Well more about that later, after this song, that features some excerpts from S.M. Lockeridge’s sermon, “That’s My King,” from the title song of the Acapella album, All That I Need. This is certainly a time for us to cast our cares on Him, with so many uncertainties about jobs, and the economy. It’s time to recognize Our King, and let Him truly be all that we need.

[He's the ruler of righteousnessHe's the authority of the ages
He's the holiness of heaven He's the God of glory
He's the King of Kings And he's the Lord of Lords
That's my Christ And I want you to come and know Him For yourself]
Living to please my Lord and Savior Changing my life and my behavior
Making new choices that will favor Him
Looking above, my aim is higher Trusting in Him is my desire
Making it day to day requires Him
All I ever wanted was truth All I ever needed was You

All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
[Do you want to know Him]
Knowing the truth no longer guessing Every morning I'm confessing
Daily I'm thanking You for blessing me
Taking control He fills my yearning Now that I know there's much I'm learning
Knowing my Lord will soon return for me
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
[You need to know Him]
All I ever knew had no use All I ever need comes from You
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I want is Jesus All that I want is Him
Praise Him, praise to the Lord All that I need is mercy Making me free from sin
All that I want is Jesus, all that I want is Him (repeat through speech)
[He's the key to knowledge He's the wealth of wisdom
He's the dawn of deliverance He's the road to redemption
He's the highway to holiness He's the gateway to glory
Don't you want to know him?
His love is limitless His word is wonderful
His reign is righter His yoke is easy and His burden is lighter
Oh! I wish I could introduce you to Him adequately
But actually he's indescribably irresistible He's invincible
He's incomprehensible He's incomparable
Yes, you can live with Him But you can't live without Him
Yes, the Pharisees, they tested Him But they found out they couldn't defeat Him
Pilate could not find any fault in Him Herod couldn't harm Him
Death couldn't handle Him and The grave couldn't hold Him
That's my Christ That's my Lord and That's my Jesus
Well, thine is the kingdom The power and the glory
Forever, and ever and ever
And after you get through with all the forevers
You ought to be able to say Amen]

Man, does that Lockeridge ever stir my heart with his preaching! Hey, this is Dan Hocker, and You are listening to the Lion’s Den here on Your Radio Station, Renueva Tu Fe 1430AM. Before we return to today’s topic I want to take a moment to personally thank a couple of the corporate Sponsors of Renueva Tu Fe Radio, Ponders Funeral Home, and Carneceria Loa. These businesses are run by some people with vision for our community. Then let me remind you that you can join our team by giving to Renueva Tu Fe, during our Holiday Fund Raiser. Why not call in today, and make your monthly pledge or your one time faith promise. We’re standing by the phone at 706-279-1430. That’s 706-279-1430.
We’re talking about the eligibility of Barak Obama to serve as President. Not capability, but eligibility. If you think I mean that he may not have even had the right to run for President then you understand me perfectly well. I know you’ve got to be wondering how in the world could this happen? Truthfully, I’m wondering about that too! But before anybody cries foul, let me remind you that they already put McCain through the wringer on this issue.
McCain produced his birth documents and they were examined by the Senate, which voted in unanimous agreement that John McCain’s birth fulfills the requirement of being a natural born citizen, having every right to run and serve if elected in the office of the President of the United States. I’m wondering why they didn’t just go ahead and examine Obama’s documents at the same time? Is it possible that he just hasn’t cooperated like McCain did? Perhaps he has something to hide? Like his paternal grandmother joyously celebrating and publicly declaring that she was THERE when her grandson Barak Obama was born in Kenya! Hey, it just can’t be both ways! Either he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii like the questionable document on the internet says or he was born in Kenya like his grandmother says! What do you think? I’d love to hear your opinion. Call me at 706-279-1430 and weigh in on this one.
Here’s the deal. His grandmother brags that she was there when he was born in Kenya. Well his mother was an America citizen, so what’s the big deal. Well his website claims he was born in Hawaii! If grandmother is right then he is NOT a natural born citizen because his mother was only 18 and married to Obama’s father who was a Kenyan citizen. He would not have met the requirements of the time in history to be a natural born citizen.
But the plot thickens. Records indicate that after his mother married the second time, he attended school in Indonesia, his stepfather’s country, where only Indonesia citizens are eligible to attend. Then at the age of twenty, he traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesia passport? Hey what country is he from, and to whom does he owe allegiance? It high time we had some answers. If he is a natural born citizen let him bring for the truth and answer the questions raised against his qualification. If he’s not then it’s time for the game to be up!
You’re listening to the Lion’s Den on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430 AM, and we are certainly facing some uncertain times. In times like these I am so glad to know that we can have the confidence that our Savior is with us. He is proven, even more, he has been tested and proven. In fact He promises that He will always be with us, He all we need and He is always there! Wherever "there" is.

You Were There by Avalon
I wonder how it must have felt When David stood to face Goliath on a hill
I imagine that he shook with all his might Until You took his hand, and held on tight
'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of danger's snare
You were there, You were there always You were there when the hardest fight Seemed so out of reach
Oh, You were there, You were always there You were always there

So there he stood upon that hill Abraham with knife in hand was poised to kill
But God in all his sovereignty had bigger plans And just in time, You brought a lamb

'Cause You were there, You were there In the midst of the unclear
You were there, you were there always
You were there when obedience Seemed to not make sense
You were there, You were always there You were always there

So haven't I learned that my ways Aren't as high as Yours are
And You alone keep the universe From crumbling into dust
You are God and though we would Not have understood You
There You were

Hanging blameless on a cross You would rather die than leave us in the dark
Every moment, every planned coincidence Just all makes sense
With Your last breath You were there, You were there
During history's darkest hour You were there, You were there always
You were the Victor and the King You were the power in David's swing
You were the calm in Abraham You are the God who understands
You are the strength when we have none You are the living, Holy one
You were, You are and You will always be the Risen Lamb of God
You were, You are and You will always be The Risen Lamb of God

Now, I know that some you must think I am loony, but the truth is, that I believe I must do all that I can while we have window of time to act. It may be that nothing will come of all these efforts, but then at least I have tried. This week I wrote all nine Justices of the Supreme Court, calling on them to defend the Constitution of the United States, and protect the Office of the President from being usurped. I also wrote our Georgia Senators, Saxby Chabliss and Johnny Isakson, along with Representative Nathan Deal. Today I’m calling on you to pray again. All of these issues have been well articulated in a case before the Supreme Court now. The High court has given Obama and the DNC until December 1st to Respond. Then Phillip Berg, Esquire will have and opportunity to reply to the Court about their response, and the Court will decide wheter or not to hear this case. Maybe the will, Maybe they won’t, and if the don’t and he takes the Oath of Office, we can expect the hastening of the Lord’s Return. Hey I want to ask you today, Are You Ready for Him? I certainly hope so.

Ready For You by Kutless
Lord, You take my heart away with Your love
and I am willing to put on my faith in Your plan.

Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.

I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.

Cleanse all of my mind that is not of You.
Break me, teaching me how to find rest in Your hands.

Come and take my life.
Make my soul refreshed in truth now.

I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul.
To come and fill my soul.

Whatever it takes,
I'm needing to make Your will be done
and I'm letting go of my control,
for I see what You've done in me.

I am ready for You.
Take my heart and make me new now.
I am ready for You
to come and fill my soul

Friday, November 14, 2008

Understaning Obama

During last Wednesday's program I referred to an article by Ali Sina written on September 22, 2008 entitled "Understanding Obama." You can read the original at or just click on the link to the right "Understanding Obama," and please keep praying for America!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweetheart

Good Afternoon, this is Dan Hocker, and welcome back to The Lion’s Den, here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. Today is my wife's birthday! I do my best to remember her birthday, because Crystal (my wife) remembers all the others. She remembers the birthdays of ALL our children, all six of them, along with the spouses of our married children, her parents, my parents, my brothers, her brothers, and the grandchildren too! What an amazing woman. So, for all you do, happy birthday, Sweetheart!

Hey did you try to go to the bank or Post Office yesterday? They were closed in observance of Veteran’s Day. No matter what day of the week it falls on, we always celebrate Veteran’s Day on November 11th. I want to say thank you to all our veterans today. I tried to call some good friends who served, and tell them how much I appreciate their service to our country, but I also think it’s important to appreciate those who are serving now, and their families. We want to remind you to pray for troops and their families and in honor of all of them I want to begin our show this afternoon with this old classic, “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;
[originally …let us die to make men free]
While God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While God is marching on.

Did you hear that among the things Obama plans to do as soon as he takes office is to reverse some “Bush policies.” One of those is to remove the restrictions placed on Stem Cell Research. Do you remember how we celebrated George W. Bush’s courage to place limitations on Stem Cell Research to discourage abortion as a means to acquire human stem cells. The Right to Life Community celebrated. Now this is the news of the day.
Hey the objective here is not simply to say, "Hey, we told you so." That would be pointless. Rather I want to equip you to talk with your friends as they wake up from this dream they have chosen over the reality of Obama's real positions on moral issues. I am afraid that soon tens of millions of Christians will sheepishly say, "I guess I should have known better."
I guess I still find it amazing that although 43% of Christians did not follow the recommendations and endorsements of National Right to Life as they voted in this presidential election. Maybe we shouldn’t be so amazed, since Obama had such a decided advantage both in the media’s bias and the money he spent to get his message out. People, including Christians, just believed this eloquent speaker.

Well I am glad that many of you answered the call to prayer for America, and I hope you will continue praying. Maybe you’ll join me in lifting the prayer of this next song, “Change my Heart, O God."

Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You

Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You

You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray

Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You

There are few things more divisive than politics, and because of its divisive nature, it is no wonder that many pastors and Christian leaders simply refuse to be involved at all. Those who venture into the troubled waters of politics do so to the tune of “Separation of Church and State,” in three part harmony. They claim that Separation of church and state prohibits the church from exercising influence on the state. Although we know that the intent was to keep the state out of the affairs of the church and not vice versa. However, fearing the loss of their tax exempt status, many churches just won’t get involved.

Another reason is simply the fear that they may anger someone who is attending their church by taking a stand on an issue where there may be others in the congregation with a different point of view. In the interest of unity they remain silent on political issues that might put them in the middle of controversy.
During the campaigns, passions rise and arguments ensue. Candidates make their cases. Parties present their platforms. We listen and we do our best to decide. Finally, we cast our vote, based on the information we have received. The ballots are counted. Sometimes we win. Sometimes we lose. Then it’s over. There are no more arguments to present. Right or wrong, decisions are made, and we go on.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve made a few dumb decisions in my life, but even then, they were errors of the head, and not errors of the heart. One couple I know canceled each other’s vote this year. Maybe you voted differently than your best friend. Maybe you voted differently than a whole lot of your friends. Hey, your vote is your business, and if you are a Christian, however you voted, I’m sure that you were doing your best to make the best decision you could for your family, your church, your friends. The deciding factor may have been one the moral issues like a candidates position on abortion or same sex marriage. On the other hand the deciding factor may have been the moral responsibility of providing for your family or defending your loved one who is in harm’s way.
So, however, you voted, or however your brother or sister voted, let’s believe the best about them. After all, you know that they would never do anything intentionally to harm you. Perhaps you think they could have or should have made a better decision. Hey, let’s give credit where credit is due. Their candidate or the proponents for their issue just did a better job communicating their message effectively than your candidate did.
The votes are in and decisions are made. Now, let’s get down to the eternal business of the church. Although these other decisions are vitally important, they pale in significance to our work in Christ’s Kingdom.
It’s time for us to pray even more, and turn our hearts toward the heavenly Father. Our hope is in a return to the values that made this nation great, but that will only happen as we return to the God of our Fathers.
This song by Casting Crowns is a word picture from the story of the Prodigal Son, from their 2005 album, Lifesong, “Prodigal

Living on my own, thinking for myself
Castles in the sand, temporary wealth
Walls are falling down, storms are closing in
Tears have filled my eyes, here I am again

And I've held out as long as I can
Now I'm letting go and holding out my hand

Daddy, here I am again
Will You take me back tonight
I went and made the world my friend
And it left me high and dry
I drag Your name back through the mud
That You first found me in
Not worthy to be called Your son
Is this to be my end
Daddy, here I am
Here I am again

Curse this morning sun
Drags me in to one more day
Of reaping what I've sown
Of living with my shame
Welcome to my world
And the life that I have made
Where one day you're a prince
The next day you're a slave

The election results are now in, and for some, the temptation to despair is strong. Not here on the Lion’s Den. Sure admit to being more than a little disappointed in Tuesday’s results, but we are people of hope.
As Paul writes in Philippians 3:17 “Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ”. The important thing to remember is this: the truths we stand for hav not been diminished at by a political defeat. We may have lost a battle but not the war!
The coming political climate will bring new challenges, but also new opportunities to be witnesses.

Consider this due notice. I assure you that we are not going away. Now more than ever, America needs citizens like you courageous enough to stand up for the truth. Together we can make a difference. Together we can build an army of prayer warriors, and just as we have prayed during this historic moments in our nations history, we will KEEP ON PRAYING! We will keep on working until Jesus comes!
Now more than ever, we owe it to the next generation to provide a strong voice for life, faith and family.
As we wrap up this edition of the Lion’s Den, let me leave you again with this song from Avalon, “If My People Pray."

Now is the season for healing
Deeply we need to see God's mercy revealing
Where we have fallen from His way
For we know He gives hope to the humble
Gives light in the darkness
And grace when we stumble
Let us call on His name together
Knowing He will say ... If My people pray
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face
And heaven will rain Rivers of My grace overflowing
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray Now is the day to awaken
To pray with conviction
For the souls of the nation
So let us call on His name
Whose faithful promise still remains ..
If My people pray
(If My people who are called by My name)
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
(Humble themselves and pray)
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face (Seek Me)
And heaven will rain (If My people who are called by My name)
Rivers of My grace overflowing (Turn from their wicked ways)
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray
Let us not grow weary as we wait for the day
When the light turns our night into morning
On our knees, calling Your name as we lift our hearts to heaven Yeah,
knowing You will say ...

Hey let's keep praying until next time here on the Lion's Den.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Aftermath - Obamanation

This is Dan Hocker. Welcome back to The Lion’s Den here on Renueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM. Well it was definitely a night marked by change! However, if Whitfield County could have its way, we would have made John McCain our president with 69% of our vote going to the McCain Palin Ticket, right in line with the rest of this great state that also chose McCain and Palin by a 53% majority. What a shame that the rest of the country didn’t listen to us and follow our example. At least we demonstrated some common sense on this important issue.

We were also part of the rest of Georgia’s Majority who is sending Saxby Chambliss back to the Senate to stand up with the minority there for our Conservative Southern Christian Values.

Although we elected a new Chief Magistrate, the Honorable Haynes H. Townsend, we chose to keep our Tax commissioner, Danny Sane, and Sheriff Scott Chitwood for another term, along with Magistrate Judge Sydney Baxter.

We still didn’t have a clear decision last night about whether we want to allow liquor to be poured in the county, with the race so close, and the absentee ballots still to be counted, but we did defeat Sunday Alcohol Sales in the county, albeit by a much smaller margin that I had hoped. What a night!

Then, I could hardly believe it! President Elect Barak Hussein Obama! Anybody who has been listening to the Lion’s Den knows that this seems like I’m stuck in a bad dream, from which I cannot wake up! Well, It happened. The well oiled, super high financed political machine triumphed.

Today we are asking how can it be? What happened? Do you remember the old Wendy’s commercial that asked the question, “Where’s the beef?” That’s the question that was always unanswered all the way through his campaign! He stirred people’s emotions. He painted be passionate word pictures of people with needs, as if he understood their struggles, but always lacked substance. He said, “I promise, we will get there!” “There!” I ask where is “there?” What does that mean?

One commentator said it this way, “We have never elected a president as unknown or as untested as Barak Obama.” He continued, “I guess we will discover whom we have elected!” Isn’t that amazing?

I watched the faces in the crowd, and saw enthusiasm! The people were rejoicing! Why? Their charismatic champion, who they’re still not sure who he really is, but they like him, even though they don’t really know why. But they were on the winning side, and their unknown, untested champ, was in top form, with his eloquent political unity speech.

Here’s the question. Will he bring unity? Or do you believe he will be in debt to all those folks on the left, and those democrats with high expectation of being able to have all those things they have wanted to do, finally rubber stamped by their champion? Hey the lines are open here in The Lion’s Den at 706-279-1430 here at Renjueva Tu Fe Radio 1430AM.

Well I’ve got some good news, We know who is the real champion, Jesus Christ our Lord, and Saviour, and here is the title song from Carman’s album, The Champion.

In the vast expanse of a timeless place,
Where silence ruled the outer space,
Ominously towering, it stood,
The symbol of a spirit war
Between the one name Lucifer,
And the Morning Star, the ultimate of good.

Enveloped by a trillion planets,
Clean as lightning and hard as granite,
A cosmic coliseum would host the end
Of the war between the lord of sin and death,
And the Omnipotent Creator of man's first breath,
Who will decide who forever will be the Champion.

The audience for the 'Fight of the Ages' was assembled and in place.
The angels came in splendor from a star.
The saints that had gone before were there: Jeremiah, Enoch, Job.
They were singing the "Song of Zion" on David's harp.

The demons arrived, offensive and vile, cursing and blaspheming God.
Followed by their 'trophies' dead and gone.
Hitler, Napoleon, Pharaoh, Capone,
Tormented and vexed and grieved.
Waiting for their judgment from the Throne.

Then a chill swept through the mammoth crowd and the demons squealed with glee,
as a sordid, vulgar, repulsive essence was felt.
Arrogantly prancing, hands held high, draped in a sparkling shroud
Trolled by demons, Satan ascended from Hell.

Then Satan cringed, the sinners groaned!
The demons reeled in pain as a swell of power like silent thunder rolled
With a surge of light beyond intense, illuminating the universe,
In resplendent glory appeared the Son of God.

Then a Persona, yes, Extraordinaire appeared in center ring.
God the Father will oversee the duel.
Opening the Book of Life, each grandstand hushed in awe as
majestically He said,
"Now here's the rules. You'll be wounded for their transgressions,
bruised for iniquities"
When He said, "By His stripes they're healed," the devil shook!
He screamed, "Sickness is my specialty. I hate that healing junk!"
God said, "You shut your face, I wrote the book!"
Then the Father looked at His only Son and said,
"You know the rules.
Your blood will cleanse their sins and calm their fears."
Then He pointed His finger at Satan and said,
"And I know you know the rules.
You've been twisting them to deceive My people for years."
Satan cried, "I'll kill you Christ! You'll never win this fight!"
The demons wheezed, "That's right, there ain't no way."
Satan jeered, "You're dead meat, Jesus, I'm gonna bust you up tonight!"
Jesus said, "Go ahead, make my day!"

The bell, the crowd, the fight was on,
And the devil leaped in fury.
With all his evil tricks he came undone.
He threw his jabs of hate and lust.
A stab of pride and envy, but the hand that knew no sin blocked every one.

Forty days and nights they fought, and Satan couldn't touch Him.
Now the final blow saved for the final round.
Prophetically Christ's hands came down
And Satan struck in vengeance!
The blow of death felled Jesus to the ground.

The devils roared in victory!
The saints shocked and perplexed as wounds appeared upon His hands and feet.
Then Satan kicked Him in His side, and blood and water flowed.
And they waited for the 10 count of defeat.

God the Father turned His head,
His tears announcing Christ was dead!
The 10 count would proclaim the battle's end.

Then Satan trembled through his sweat in unexpected horror, yet...
As God started the count by saying,
"Hey wait a minute, God..."
"Stop! You're counting wrong..."
His eyes are moving...
His fingers are twitching...
"Where's all this Light coming from?"
"He's alive!"
"Oh - nooooo!"
Oh yes!,
He has won!
He has won!
He's alive forevermore!
He is risen, He is Lord,
He has won!
He has won!
He's alive forevermore,
He is risen!
He is Lord!

Proclaim the news in every tongue,
Through endless ages and beyond!
Let it be voiced from mountains loud and strong!
Captivity has been set free, salvation bought for you and me,
'Cause Satan is defeated,
And Jesus is The Champion!

Now that was a great song and a great reminder! Our Champion has paid the price and purchased ultimate victory for us! My friend Jack reminded me this morning that Jesus term never expires! He is still seated at the right hand of the throne of God! We’ve read the last chapter and know how this is going to end! Jesus Christ will win! He will reign. I hope He is reigning in your heart today.

Hey, did you hear Obama’s victory speech last night? That’s one thing he can do, well, but his comment about his humility! Do you believe that? Well, there are a lot of things he is, but humble just isn’t one of them. He’d have a really difficult time convincing people of that one. Think about it, Did anybody ask about the cost of Obama’s wardrobe? There was plenty said about Palin’s clothes. But this slick- dressed Celebrity, caviar- eating celebrant, who himself joked about his Greek columns at the Democratic national Convention, laughingly denied that he was born in a manger!

It is vitally important that we remember that he is NOT our savior. He may be Oprah Winfrey’s Messiah, but he is not ours. By virtue of his political prowess he has been acknowledged as the President Elect, and he claims he will be the president of all the people. With so little experience and no record whatsoever of working with people across the aisle, having voted, when he voted, 96 percent with his party, and never bucking them, he has an awful lot to prove. Like the Titanic there’s an awful lot of show and a awful lot of promise. But will it survive it’s maiden voyage. I’d like to hear from you. Your listening to the Lion’s Den. Call me at 706-279-1430 or email me at or , or comment here on my blog.

Why do you think this happened? Would it have been different if more Christians were motivated to vote? Do you think folks really understood the issues? Or how about this question? What priorities did Christians have when they went to the polls to vote? Since statistics show that 46% of Christians voted for Obama, do you think some compromised their values for other issues? I think it is time for the Church to be the church! Stop the Stained Glass Masquerade, which by the way is the title of this Casting Crowns’ Song.

Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin’ so small

Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they’ll soon discover
That I don’t belong

So I tuck it all away, like everything’s okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I’ll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them

Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone who’s been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who’s traded
In the altar for a stage

The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart

But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be

Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay

Well if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin’ so small

We have said a lot about our need to repent during the past month. I listened to Julie Meyer this past week. She was calling the Body of Christ to intercessory prayer. She told about a dream she had where this large bronze angel came down and looked her directly in the eyes and said, “the cry for change is greater than the cry for mercy.” Wow, how that statement resonated with me! Is it possible that we pray, but our prayers are really so superficial? Tell me, what do you think about the prayer life of the church in general? Do we really pray through? Do we pray earnestly, sincerely, passionately, forcefully, effectually? I would certainly like to hear your thoughts on this one. Call me, at 706-279-1430 right here in the Lion’s Den at 1430AM.

This kind of prayer, effectual prayer, is the kind that makes a difference. It’s the kind of prayer that m0oves God. It’s prayer that changes things, the kind that brings Revival. The church definitely needs renewal, and passion to act responsibly with reference to their faith. Maybe this election is a clarion call for Revival in our land.

One commentator said it this way, “We have never elected a president as unknown or as untested as Barak Obama.” He continued, “I guess we will discover whom we have elected!” Isn’t that amazing? What clear evidence of our national naivety! I was incredulous when we elected Bill Clinton for his first term and stupefied when our nation returned him to office for a second term! But I admit that I am literally overwhelmed that we could allow ourselves to be so thoroughly conned, that we would elect such a man as he. As the clueless masses celebrated last night I wept. It’s not as though we weren’t praying. Many were praying all across this nation. We were praying for God’s mercy. We were praying asking God to forgive our nation for the murder of more than over 40 million innocent victims of abortion, whose blood cries out for justice. We were praying asking God to forgive our nation for being one of the world’s largest exporters of pornography. We were asking God to deliver us from the liberal dominance that has controlled the high court of our land, and protect us from the entrenchment of those liberal ideas for another generation through the election of a godly president. Was our cry for mercy not passionate enough? 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land. Will we pray the way He has called us too? Here’s that question in a song by Avalon.

Now is the season for healing
Deeply we need to see God's mercy revealing
Where we have fallen from His way
For we know He gives hope to the humble
Gives light in the darkness
And grace when we stumble
Let us call on His name together

Knowing He will say ... If My people pray
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face

And heaven will rain Rivers of My grace overflowing
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray Now is the day to awaken
To pray with conviction
For the souls of the nation
So let us call on His name
Whose faithful promise still remains ..

If My people pray
(If My people who are called by My name)
And reach for Me with hearts that are broken
(Humble themselves and pray)
I will not forget what I've spoken
Come and seek My face (Seek Me)

And heaven will rain (If My people who are called by My name)
Rivers of My grace overflowing (Turn from their wicked ways)
Night and day My ears will be open
If My people pray
Let us not grow weary as we wait for the day
When the light turns our night into morning
On our knees, calling Your name as we lift our hearts to heaven Yeah, knowing You will say ...

This past week I was challenged to pray and seek God like never before. Like so many others, I am expecting God to answer by giving us the victory I wanted in the election. Some wonderful things happened. I was intensely aware of God’s presence throughout the entire time that we were seeking the Lord. He just felt so very near! Then there the awesome unction I felt as I preached during this time of seeking the Lord, and God gave us souls! In the last month, three men have accepted Christ as their Savior! God is blessing us in an awesome way. Why? Because we are praying! Our prayers may not have given us the president we wanted, but there are things much more important than who the president is. Presidential tenure is brief! The Bible says that life itself is a vapor, a puff of steam. It is here today and gone tomorrow. We are dealing with ETERNITY! If we pray eternal good may come out of all of this. So, let's keep the faith, and keep praying, until we share together again, in The Lion's Den.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Just One More Day to Pray

It is Sunday evening, before the 2008 Elections, and you probably feel like you have done nearly everything that you can do. I believe we will defeat the Alcohol referendum, but again let me say, as important as this issue is to us, it pales in significance to the election of the next President. I have spent the afternoon prayerfully searching the internet about prayer for the 2008 Elections. I am convinced that prayer can make the difference. My hope is that the passion of God’s people will be strong enough that our CRY for MERCY will be greater than the cry for CHANGE. God has given us this charge, to lead His people. Can we move our people to pray for MERCY for our nation like they have never prayed before? Can we pray ourselves with more passion and fervor than we have ever prayed before?

This is my hope, that just as Joel told the people to return to God with all their hearts with fasting, weeping and mourning, that we too may move the heart of God by our cry for MERCY. Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave a blessing! As we enter our last day before the elections, we can sound a trumpet in Zion! Perhaps it will be enough to move the heart of God and bring an outpouring of His grace and mercy. Perhaps God is speaking to you, about something you can do to tip the scales. Perhaps just one more prayer, one more voice lifted, joining the cry for MERCY will be enough to make our cry greater than the call for CHANGE.

In my prayers this week, I have been encouraged in the Psalms. Often, I have been encourage by the reminders that God hears us! I have also been encouraged as I remember other intercessors, like Abraham who asked God to spare Sodom if enough righteous souls could be found there. I am encouraged that many voices have already been lifted in prayer. That there are many more righteous souls in America raising the cry to God for mercy, and by the hope of 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves , and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Yours for the Hope of Our Nation!