Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday Night Alive!

Saturday night was awesome! Our CFA Praise and Worship Team had the opportunity to play at an assembly for young people in Dalton. After sharing several songs and presenting a message about Joseph and Mary escaping to Egypt, the team came back to sing again. As they sang there was amazing sense of God's presence. The young people started to applaud, but I raised my hand and stopped them. Sometimes the moment is just too sacred and too holy for applause. This was that kind of moment. God was touching hearts. This was moment of decision for many of the young people there in that room.

One was a young lady named, Brianna. She and couple other young people responded first to my invitation. She screamed, "Jesus, help me." As we prayed she lifted both her hands in the air in total surrender to God. A seventeen-year-old young lady named Brooke, was the next to surrender her life and receive Christ, followed by one of the youngest of the group, Carissa. It was overwhelming to see these young people opening up to God and experiencing the power of His presence.

A young man by the name of Brady pulled up a chair and joined our group. In just a few moments there were tears in his eyes. I asked what he was here for, and he replied that he need God in his life. He added his prayer of repentance to the others and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of his life.

The team continued to play and sing, and a young black woman sitting in front began to weep. Stacy went to her and brought her to the prayer circle where I was praying with the others. Her name was Jasmine. Her tears spilled from her cheeks like large rain drops falling on the floor. They were cleansing tears, and Jasmine found God's love and forgiveness.

I don't know when I have been more thrilled. As I looked around and realized that ministry was taking place in several circles around the room. I saw Chuck who had been counseling with some others, and Jamie was a part of a circle where I know that three young people came to the Lord. Anthony was praying with young man named Tyler. Although he was six foot eight and taller than everyone else in the room, still he humbled his heart before the Almighty God and God lifted him up higher than he could have imagined.

I don't know if we will ever know all that God did that night. With all my heart I believe that an eternal difference was made in the lives of many, and we were just privileged to be a small part of what God was doing. To Him be all the glory.

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