Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's No Accident!

As I think about all that has happened in little more than five weeks, I am just amazed! With confidence I can declare that It certainly is NO ACCIDENT! But then, at Christian Fellowship we have learned that God is awesome in the way He works in our lives. We needed space to grow, and WOW, do we ever have plenty of space now! Are you as overwhelmed as I am by these 29 acres? And how about the fact that it's located less than a mile from our present location! It's no accident because God is in control.

If you haven't been by the property, I encourage you to check out what's happening! There's already been a lot of work, removing old mildewed carpet, tearing out water-damaged walls, and moving a lot of dirt to stop the water from getting back in. Hey things are really shaping up! We are planning a Spring "Tent" Crusade in our biggest metal building to kick off ministry there and reach folks in the Tunnel Hill area for Christ. Then this summer, we will have the biggest Vacation Bible School we've ever had! We've just never had this much room before!

Still there are lots of challenges. There is so much work to do, and it really looks huge. It looks so much bigger than we are, but then we can't forget the faith factor. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or even think! When God's people came to the borders of the promised land, and sent the 12 spies in to check it out, they found challenges, too. It would have been easy to give up. Many of the spies reported that there were powerful warriors there, some who were descendants of a race of giants. "They will crush us," they cried. In Numbers 13:30 we hear the words of Caleb, "Let us go up at once, and posses it; for we are well able to overcome it!" You've got to be inspired by the faith of Caleb!

Don't focus on the obstacles! The problem wasn't the giants. The problem was the grasshopper perspective. "We felt like grasshoppers before them, they were so tall!" Instead we need to focus on the promises of God! God is faithful, and He will do it. Caleb understood the principle of Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." He understood the F.R.O.G. principle, Fully Rely On God! We are focused on the new opportunities we have to reach people for Christ. We are focused on how God is preparing to serve Him with increased resources. We can trust Him. He will provide! God has given us an awesome vision here at Christian Fellowship, and He is faithful. If we can only catch sight of His vision and see the land flowing with milk and honey instead of focusing on the giants, then we too are well able to overcome! When we follow God's plan and walk in His will fulfilling His purpose, It's No Accident!

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