Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sacred Fire

As we prepare for Pentecost Sunday, I borrow my title for this article from the new book, George Washington's Sacred Fire by Peter A. Lillback with Jerry Newcombe. In this book the author debunks the myth that George Washington was not a believer and at at most just a Deist. He provides ample proof for the Christian character and faith of George Washington through his own writings in letters and journals and the writings of those closest to him, his family and friends. The author establishes the fact that there burned in George Washington a sacred fire.

We need a sacred fire to burn again in the hearts of men, who will rise up and make a difference. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came into the upper room. An overwhelming "Sacred Fire" sat upon each of them, and that fire began to burn bringing an outpouring of the Spirit of God, and transforming live. The Sacred Fire burned in the heart of Peter, who even though he was formerly a coward who not only hid in the shadow, but even lied about knowing Jesus as he denied Christ three times. On Pentecost he stood and preached fearlessly before the crowds gathered in Jerusalem because of the Sacred Fire of Pentecost.

In this day when churches in America are in grave danger, we need people in whose heart burn this Sacred Fire. We need people infused with the courage that comes when they are full of faith and filled with the Holy Spirit. We need godly men and women who will stand up and proclaim the truth to the crowds in our generation.

It appears that the thirst of the current administration for control hasn't stopped with the banking industry or health care. Now they are making a move to control churches. They use the word "partnership." They talk aboIut "partnering with churches" in the Obama administration's new "faith-based initiative." Their goal is to reduce salvation to social justice. Promoting the "Green Agenda" is goal of their gospel. They offer funding to churches who will "buy in" to their "green" agenda. They are making an effort to define their social agenda with the Gospel. However, when churches accept Government monies for their green projects then they will have the government telling them what they can and can not do. We need to remember that salvation is individual and personal, not collective and social. In our day we need people in whose hearts burn the Sacred Fire who will stand against this unholy tide. We need to be sure that we DO NOT accept money to "green our churches!" Social Justice is not the answer. God is intensely personal! We need to understand that God cares about the individual. He doesn't force us to participate; He invites us. The gospel is not about government mandates, but about surrendering our hearts to God. In our day we need people in whose hearts burn the Sacred Fire who will stand against this unholy tide.

As we prepare to celebrate Pentecost tomorrow, I want us to remember that on the Day of Pentecost, God empowered the church to make a real difference in individual lives. He did not mandate a program of social justice. He knew that when individual hearts are submitted to Christ, they would make an awesome difference in the lives of others. It is my prayer that you will receive the power of Pentecost and be ignited with that Sacred Fire.

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