Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Miracles: On the Street Where You Live!

Uncle David  and Dad

Miracles!  They can happen on the street where you live!  I thought about calling this article, "Miracle on Henderson Street," or "Miracles on Your Street."  The point is that there are miracles all around us.  We just need to open our eyes to see and our hears to hear all of the marvelous things God is doing every day!

Sunday we had a wonderful update on the Lofty's granddaughter, Kinley, who had nearly drowned.  We are all rejoicing in her amazing progress!  Then, this week, a man came into the furniture store and recounted the story of his wife, "Lady," being healed of Rheumatoid Arthritis!  The same day another man came to tell of the awesome comfort and strength God gave to his daughter at his grandson's funeral!  He said that he and others literally saw a glow around his daughter as she spoke at the funeral.  The same day, we heard from another man who shared about miraculous healing from cancer.

Then Dad called me last night.  The last week of November the doctor told his brother that his kidneys were failing.  He told the family that he had about a week to live.  Uncle David took it all in stride, because he's been ready to go to his heavenly home for a long time.  He has lived on about 25% to 33% heart function for about 14 - 15 years!  My cousin Donna uploaded a video that week with Uncle David singing about heaven.  Here is a man full of confidence about his eternal destiny!

This past Wednesday things didn't look so good, and Dad spent the night sitting up in chair in Uncle David's room.  If his brother was going, he was going to be there.  However, Uncle David woke up Thursday morning, and ate breakfast in bed.  He seemed a little better than the night before.  Then Friday morning, he got up and went to the kitchen for breakfast!  Dad went home for the weekend, but drove back to visit again Monday evening, only to discover that Uncle David wasn't at home!  He had gone out to eat!  Dad told me he was at Bob Evans.  Well the picture above was taken Monday night!  Does that man on the left look dead to you?  The apostle Paul says it best, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)."

Let me encourage you today to have faith.  Miracles do still happen.  In fact they may happen on the street where you live.  May you have a Miraculous Merry Christmas! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are We Sleeping?

Please join me at the polls Tuesday, November 8th to vote NO on the alcohol referendums here in Whitfield County.  It's hard to believe that it's on the ballot again, so soon!  I believe they hoped to catch us sleeping.  Since this is an off election year, there is usually a very low voter turnout.  Therefore, it would take fewer votes to pass their alcohol referendums.  However, the same is true for those of us who want to defeat this, our vote matter all the more!  That's why I am contacting every pastor and church in our area that has worked with us before to fight this at the polls this Tuesday.  Together we can motivate our people to get to the polls and vote. 

In our precinct, there are only three things on the ballot.  We vote on TAD's, SPLOST, and the Alcohol Referendum.  That's all, but it is so important that we go and make a difference.  With all the mess alcohol is responsible for in our communities, and all the trouble it causes in our homes and on our streets, how can anyone think we need to make it MORE available than it already is?  Together we can defeat this on Tuesday!


Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm Not Giving My Little Girl Away

Wow! Monnie was so beautiful she brought tears to my eyes.  I also noticed tears in the Groom's eyes when we stopped at the front of the Chapel.  I whispered, "Hang in there, 'cause if you lose it, I know I will."  I thought a lot about how to respond to that question, "Who gives this woman?"  I even wrote a little song of sorts, and shared it with my wife.  She said, "No, you can't do it.  You'll cry."  So... I just said, "Her mother and I." Here, I will  expound a little on what those words mean, and on the advice of my son, Gareth, I have entitled this "Her Mother and I."

"Her Mother and I"
by the father of the bride
I'm not giving my little girl away.
She's here in my heart where forever she'll stay.
The woman on my arm I will trust to your care,
but never forget that I'll always be here.
'Cause I'm not giving my little girl away.
She's in my heart forever and always.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Never, Never, Never Give Up!

I memorized the following poem, many years ago,
and I really don't remember where I found it.
I want to encourage you with it today.  Whatever
you are facing, never give up!  Remember that God
has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!
You can trust Him to see you through!

Two frogs fell in a deep cream bowl.
They couldn't get out to save their soul.
Said one to the other, "What shall we do?"
"We'll die, my friend, me thinks we're through."
But the other said with an optimistic grin,
"We can't get out, but I won't give in."
So he swam and he swam, 'til it nearly seemed,
his struggles began to churn the cream.
Then at last on the butter he stopped,
and from the bowl, he gaily hopped!
The moral my friend?  It's easily found.
If you can't get out, keep swimming around!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rising from the Rubble

It was overwhelming!  Life as we knew it was changed. We had always felt secure here in our homeland, but now that security was gone!  We were violated right here on our own soil.  

As September the eleventh approached with all the memorial specials on TV and the gatherings to remember the tenth anniversary of 911, I was moved by the images of the memorial at Ground Zero, and the new buildings rising.  My thoughts centered on this theme, "Rising from the Rubble." 

Memories of New York Fireman, Police, and Military Personnel, going in to the burning towers to save lives while the masses were exiting, will be with me for a lifetime.  These ordinary public servants became extraordinary that day.  Men and women reached out helping hands to total strangers, and after seeing inhumanity at its worst in the multiple acts of terror, we also saw the best of courage and character, as men laid down their lives for their fellowmen.
      "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15:13)

As the smoke and ash rose over the rubble at Ground Zero, our prayers rose heavenward in intercession for those who had lost so much that day, but also in thanks to God for so many selfless acts of heroism.   Now, as we witness the rise of the new towers, we realize that they are symbols of the faith, hope and love that made America great, and that rose from the rubble September 11, 2001.

In the days that followed we were overwhelmed at the size of the task.  We removed hundreds of thousands of tons of debris from Ground Zero, as we searched first for survivors and then for the remains of loved ones.  Still, the awesome spirit of unity prevailed as workers returned tens of thousands of personal items and thousands of photographs to their owners.

We have learned a powerful lesson.  We can rise from the rubble.  Whether it is the brink of bankruptcy and financial failure or wrecked relationships and family crisis, there is hope!  It may seem overwhelming.  In fact it may seem impossible, but I am here to declare to you in the words of Matthew 19:26: "with God all things are possible."  Ask God for wisdom, and let Him guide you.  Trust Him, and never, never, never give up!  You, too, can rise from the rubble.