Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rising from the Rubble

It was overwhelming!  Life as we knew it was changed. We had always felt secure here in our homeland, but now that security was gone!  We were violated right here on our own soil.  

As September the eleventh approached with all the memorial specials on TV and the gatherings to remember the tenth anniversary of 911, I was moved by the images of the memorial at Ground Zero, and the new buildings rising.  My thoughts centered on this theme, "Rising from the Rubble." 

Memories of New York Fireman, Police, and Military Personnel, going in to the burning towers to save lives while the masses were exiting, will be with me for a lifetime.  These ordinary public servants became extraordinary that day.  Men and women reached out helping hands to total strangers, and after seeing inhumanity at its worst in the multiple acts of terror, we also saw the best of courage and character, as men laid down their lives for their fellowmen.
      "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15:13)

As the smoke and ash rose over the rubble at Ground Zero, our prayers rose heavenward in intercession for those who had lost so much that day, but also in thanks to God for so many selfless acts of heroism.   Now, as we witness the rise of the new towers, we realize that they are symbols of the faith, hope and love that made America great, and that rose from the rubble September 11, 2001.

In the days that followed we were overwhelmed at the size of the task.  We removed hundreds of thousands of tons of debris from Ground Zero, as we searched first for survivors and then for the remains of loved ones.  Still, the awesome spirit of unity prevailed as workers returned tens of thousands of personal items and thousands of photographs to their owners.

We have learned a powerful lesson.  We can rise from the rubble.  Whether it is the brink of bankruptcy and financial failure or wrecked relationships and family crisis, there is hope!  It may seem overwhelming.  In fact it may seem impossible, but I am here to declare to you in the words of Matthew 19:26: "with God all things are possible."  Ask God for wisdom, and let Him guide you.  Trust Him, and never, never, never give up!  You, too, can rise from the rubble.

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