Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Resurrection Celebration!

It was an awesome Easter Sunday, beginning with a small group gathered in what will be our new sanctuary (when it's completed) for Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m.  The acoustics in that place are amazing right now, with no carpet or seating.  There's no need for amplification.  We sang some Old Easter Hymns, celebrating the Resurrection, and simply worshiped our Living Lord together.  God's Presence was AWESOME, and the sunrise  service set the tone for the entire day!  On my way back to the house before Sunday School, I stopped at the Convenience Store near the interstate, and before I leaving responded to the need of the store manager by bowing my head and praying aloud at the front counter for the needs she mentioned.  I know it was a public place, but I still had the wonderful awareness of God's presence, and believe He really wanted her to know how much He cares for her (the manager).  Our Sunday School and Morning Worship Services were a continuation of this outpouring of His Presence, as we celebrated Jesus Christ the first fruits of the Resurrection!  My heart danced before the Lord as we worshiped together.

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