This awesome verse was not only a theme during our VBS, but it is a theme of our ministry here at Christian Fellowship. God has plans for each one of us, and for everyone that he brings into our fellowship. I do not believe you are here by accident. In fact, if you are reading this blog, I don't believe for a moment that it is an accident. God wants you to know that He has a plan for your life. The problem is that often we get in His way. Sometimes we make our own plans, without considering His. That's when we end up in so much mess. You see, He created you for His glory. You were created for fellowship with God, to interact with your Creator. He outlined every detail of your life. The Psalmist writes that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Perhaps some great difficulties have come into your life, and you don't know what to do. Take heart today. Joseph ended up in prison, but God had a plan. The prison was just a doorway to the palace, and as he continued to honor God, God worked out His glorious plan. Why not put your faith in God today and see Him reveal the wonderful plan He has for your life too?
It is our vision here at Christian Fellowship to help you discover the awesome plan God has for you. He plans to prosper you and not to harm you as He fills your heart with hope for the future.
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