Today's Word

For nothing is impossible with God. NIV - Luke 1:37

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Library

PC Study Bible 4 Advanced Reference Library

Boy, has my library ever changed through the years! I still have lots of books, and reference works. The shelves in my study are full. I have the complete set of The Biblical Illustrator, Tyndale's Commentaries on the New Testament, The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary Series, and Barclay's New Testament Commentaries just to name a few. You should have seen my desk when I would research a topic with all those books. Alongside my bible, I would have Strong's Concordance open along with some Greek or Hebrew Lexicon's and several commentaries. I would have an idea and then get up to search through my books, looking for the reference I needed. It was a rewarding task, but definitely very time consuming. Technology has really made an impact on my study, and wow! has it ever multiplied my library!

I started with a little program that was only ten megabytes on an old XT Computer. Those ten megabytes were enormous to me then. Yes, there was room enough for the entire King James Bible, all of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, along dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek words in the Old and New Testaments. Well My Study has come a long way, baby! Now I have hundreds of reference works available right on my laptop through a program that Hubert and I use called PC Study Bible 4 Advanced Reference Library. And if that's not enough, the World Wide Web is also available with just a key stroke or two!

There's no way my bookshelves can hold my library anymore, but there is one thing must be the same. God's Word is still the same. It is spiritually written and the Holy Spirit is still our best teacher. Blessings.

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